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"baby, you can't tell these doctors how we live okay? if they find out they will take you from us." she spoke firmly.

"mom i hate how we live though. i can't even be myself without being afraid of a beating." i spoke softly.

"ophelia, baby, we could lose everything. just please,
don't say anything." she mumbled.

i nodded slowly. like i said, i hated my mom, but not enough to send her to jail.

we arrived at the hospital and i walked in while holding my arm. mom was right behind me.

i bumped into someone and immediately yelped in pain.

"oh my are you okay?" a man with shorter curly hair asked.

i looked up at him with tears in my eyes, "i broke my arm." i muttered pathetically.

he stared at me for a second before he went into motion. "follow me, i'll take you to dr. michael clifford, who is our on call orthopedic surgeon and my mate." he smiled lightly.

mom and i followed quickly behind him. i saw mom give me a quick glare.

we walked to an office and i saw the mystery man walk in.

"yep send her back." i heard a cheery voice speak.

"my mate will take you in back there. if you want i could go with your mom to the waiting room." he smiled.

"i can stay with h- "no go ahead mom." i smiled lightly.

"i don't even know your name." mom spoke simply as she stared at him.

"my names dr. ashton irwin and i'm a psychologist here at the hospital." he smiled.

mom gave me one final look before she walked off with ashton. i walked in slowly and saw a man smiling at me.

he quickly looked at my arm that i was holding and went into motion, "okay, let's take a look." he spoke.

i nodded and sat in front of him slowly.

"before i look, what's your name?" he asked.

"my names ophelia." i smiled softly.

"very beautiful name." he remarked as he gently removed the arm holding my broken one.

he gently took my arm into his hand and i hissed in pain. "damn it." i muttered.

"it's definitely broken. like no question in mind. i'm going to need to take an x-ray to determine whether or not you need surgery." he spoke swiftly.

i nodded and saw him walk to grab a wheel chair.

"no no, my arm is broken not my leg." i laughed as i stood up gripping onto my bad arm for dear life.

michael noticed and held his arm out.

"put your arm on mine and i'll hold it steady for you. your grip is too tight." he chuckled.

i did as he said and we walked carefully over to the x-ray room.

"here put this on, and lay your arm still. i'm going to leave the room and count down from three. don't move too much." he smiled.

i sat completely still as he took the x-ray. he walked back in after a couple seconds and looked concerned.

"i'll be totally honest. you don't need surgery, but if you broke it a little more than you would. how did you break your arm?" he asked as he placed my arm back on his.

i stared at the ground. i couldn't lie to him, but i also couldn't tell him the truth.

"um, i fell." i spoke awkwardly as we walked to a room to put a cast on.

he looked at me and then walked the rest of the way silently. we arrived at the room and he molded the cast and at last i had it on.

"6-8 weeks, then we can remove it." he smiled lightly.

i nodded and started to walk out of the room.

michael walked in front of me and stopped me, "one, i'm sure you don't know where you're going. two, if you ever need to talk, here's my number." he spoke softly as he handed it to me.

i stuffed it in my pocket and we walked together to find my mom.

as soon as i saw my mom i busted out laughing with michael. she was sitting in the middle of 2 men and ashton was taking the picture.

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