Leaving Can Be Hard

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When I left to go back to London something felt different about leaving Henry, in a good way as I knew I would be back in a few weeks to be with him permanently. He and Jimmy dropped me and the boys off at the airport and there were a few tears but I think that was mainly hormone based, but once I got on the plane all I could think about was how the next time I get on a plane it will be to be with him for the rest of my life.

The kids and I slept amazing on the plane and arrived back at home about 6am, it was lucky that I had got so much sleep as I had a long list of things that needed doing. 

Once I walked through the door I saw boxes in the hallway which Matthew had kindly dropped off for us during the week so I took them up to the bedrooms so the boys and I could start packing our things. As we are moving so far we have decided to rent out the houses fully furnished so will only be taking our personal belongings with us. I managed to pack my whole room up by 8am and the boys had also been really good with their packing, in the hallway we  had a lot of things that I would take down to the charity shops. At this point the boys and I stopped for breakfast. We were sat in the kitchen eating pancakes and I just wanted to have a quick catch up with the boys to make sure they really were okay with everything that is going on as they have had a lot of changes thrown at them the past few months.

"So boys, I just want to check in with you guys, make sure you are all okay with everything that is going on? You know me and Daddy, the baby, the move, Henry!" I put down my knife and fork and looked at both of them as they stopped eating and turned to me.

"To be honest Mum when you and Daddy said you weren't going to live together anymore I hated it. But I like Heather and I like Henry a lot. You smile a lot and so does Daddy......I like it. And I can't wait to go back to America!! It's going to be the best thing ever and we're all going together so no need to be sad." Beau said all this with a great big grin on his face then went back to eating his pancakes.

"Well good I'm glad, Mas what about you darling?" 

"Yeah all good love it all Mum." And then he went back to eating his pancakes too.

I picked up my tea, leant back in the chair and let out a quiet laugh.

"Great. You boys are amazing. I love you so much." And through muffled mouth full of pancakes I got a "We love you too Mum." 

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door and I knew that could only be one person, I headed out into the hallway and opened the front door to see Rachel straight from the school run.

We jumped into each others arms and both started to cry.

Instead of continuing to pack Rachel and I sat in the front room and there was a mixture of laughing and crying from both of us. I have never had a friend like Rachel before and not living near each other anymore is going to be really hard.

"So Mrs, I can't believe your leaving me. And for Malibu... I mean what's Malibu got that London doesn't'." We both look at each other and laugh.

"I will miss you so much Rach. I do hope you can come and visit. I will try and come back a few times a year of course. Still need to see the family but you will also be at the top of my list." I let our a small smile as I see the tears form in her eyes.

"I know I look sad but I am happy for you guys too. You are going to have such a wonderful life out there. Just don't forget me okay?" A lump formed in my throat.

"Never." I manage to say with out crying.

"How did your family take it? Bet your Aunt and Grandma are sad." And they were, they were going to miss the kids and the kids were going to miss them but Matthew was coming too so they were glad they wouldn't be apart from everyone. I mean they haven't met Henry yet and think I'm all swooped up in how Hollywood everything is but I know once they met him then their worries would go. 

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