The Invitation

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Our weekend may have been rocky but it ended beautifully, just getting to know Henry was worth putting up with his ex-wife showing up trying to get him back and stalker paparazzi. I stayed Sunday night as well and we headed into work together on the Monday.

Angie pulled me in for a chat and laid out some ground rules, she seemed quite stern and I had not seen that side of her before which made me feel unsettled and disappointed in myself. I apologised I didn't speak to her directly and that it had to come from Henry, I also apologised for the situation in the first place and said it wasn't something I was looking for, it just happened.

"Look Olivia I'm not mad, I mean I was shocked initially as I didn't even know you and Matthew had split, I've know you guys a log time and I thought you were happy! But after hearing the full story I just want you to be happy, don't let it affect how you work because you're great and a part of me is sad I guess that I could potentially lose you when you've been doing so well." I was confused by what she said why would she lose me?

"Angie why would you lose me?" She rested her hand on my arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Come on we have a few weeks left on this shoot and once it's done what are you going to do? Finish the relationship and carry on working in the UK and not be with him? If you care for each other as much as you say I'm guessing he will want to whisk you back to Malibu with him. Don't think people like him will do long distance when he has the money for you to re-locate with him right?"

I knew where she was coming from and it was a conversation that I needed to have with him but it has all been so good I don't want to burst this perfect bubble that we are in. I really do need to talk to him. I can't move to Malibu, I have the boys, Mathew, my family and friends.

I headed to his dressing room and found him going over his script already dressed in his costume for the day with his dark slightly curly hair slicked back wearing a white shirt, grey tweed waistcoat and trousers, taking my breathe away as always. As he saw me come in he stood up and took me into his embrace.

"Tell me, how did it go with Angie? You feel okay now you have spoken to her?" He lead me over to the leather sofa and I slumped into the chair as that was exactly how my mood felt and he could see it on my face.

"That bad? Really? She sounded okay when I spoke to her." He pulled me into his chest and wrapped his arm round me.

"It wasn't that bad, just gave me some things to think about. Maybe we should have dinner one night this week to discuss? Maybe Thursday when the kids go to Matthews?"

He took in a deep breathe before replying. "Should I be worried? You having second thoughts?"

I turned to him, placed my hand on his chest directly on his heart and kissed him. "No of course not, I just think there are things we haven't discussed yet that we need to sort out. I mean you will be going home in a few weeks. What are we going to do then?"

As I said it he slowly moved me off his chest and went to stand by the makeup table putting his hands in front of him on the table, head down staring at his shoes.

" I know we haven't discussed it, part of me doesn't want to if I'm honest. What we have so far is so good and I don't want to think about the times were not going to be together and we have kids I know we both have the be with them, I don't want to lose you Olivia, but I also at the moment don't have a solution that's the best for both of us." I got up and walked towards him and placed my hand on his shoulder, he stood up straight and took me into his arms.

"We will think of something, if it is meant to be we will make it work." I buried my head into his chest as we stood in silence for a few minutes as we squeezed each other tight just wanting to be close to each other.

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