The unexpected

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I wake to the buzzing of my phone on the bedside cabinet, sensing Matthew stirring beside me as I hastily reach for it. "Hello?" A high-pitched, panicked voice greets me on the other end – Angie, my boss, a truly remarkable soul and stellar at her job. However, when things go awry, she tends to fret.

"Olivia, I apologize for the early call," Angie begins. (By the way, Olivia is my name. You must have been wondering all this time, right?) Glancing at the bedside Alexa, I note the time – 4 a.m. "It's alright, Angie. What's the matter? I'm not due on set until 7 a.m." I had planned to head to Richmond Park for a new indie project, setting my alarm for 5:30 a.m. to allow ample time for dressing and commuting.

"There's been a slight change of plans, I'm afraid. Becky has a family emergency and requires a few weeks off. I need you to come to Landmark Studios in London and assist on the Exton Draper set. Can you make it by 6 a.m.?" My mind races – the Exton Draper movie is a major production, its third installment featuring Henry Jacobs in the lead role.

Henry Jacobs, an American actor in his late forties, whom I've harbored a crush on since long before puberty. He rose to fame in the late 80s and 90s, exuding charm and charisma as Hollywood's playboy in the 2000s. Dark-haired, with captivating brown eyes and a sometimes-sexy beard, his smile could knock you off your feet. To me, he embodied everything I found attractive in a man.

As I pondered the opportunity to meet him, a knot formed in my stomach. "Angie! This is my first day – why assign me to such a high-profile project? I lack the experience. Becky has been assisting Henry Jacobs – I'm not qualified enough." I rambled on until Angie brought me back to reality. "Olivia, I have faith in you for this. I can't turn to anyone else; they're all too inexperienced, and Henry can be quite a handful. He needs someone to keep him in line – that someone is you. See you at 6."

She hung up, leaving me to exhale deeply in the dark room. "Olivia, who was that? What time is it?" Matthew inquired, turning to face me, his expression curious and wrapped in the quilt. "It was Angie – there's an issue, and I've been assigned to the Exton Draper movie," I explained, his eyes widening with realization. "Oh my goodness. You adore those films. And that Henry guy you always make me watch. You'll finally get to meet him. I bet you can't believe your luck." I sucked in a breath and released it just as quickly. "I'm nervous, Matthew. I won't just meet him; I'll be assisting him throughout the entire movie."

Rising from bed, I activated the flashlight on my phone, searching for my clothes and makeup bag. "Should I be concerned about you working daily with your celebrity crush?" Matthew chuckled and replied, "Don't be absurd," as I made my way to the bathroom.

But deep down, that knot in my stomach persisted. Matthew had a point, and despite my nerves, I couldn't deny my excitement. For the next four weeks, I would wake up each day to work alongside my celebrity crush. Inside, I was bursting with excitement.

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