The Guilt

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I sprang up from the sofa and rushed into the living room, Henry's voice trailing after me as I ignored his calls.

"Henry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I wanted to, but I know I shouldn't have. Please, let's not let this affect our work. I promise I'm not a terrible person; I just got carried away..." I rambled, my words tumbling out in a jumble.

He caught my arm, halting my frantic pace. "Olivia, I'm sorry too. I never intended for things to escalate like that. Maybe I should have stuck with the restaurant plan instead of bringing you here. Please don't think poorly of me. You're an incredible woman, and I cherish our time together. I take full responsibility for tonight," he confessed, his head bowed in shame.

Reaching out, I touched his cheek, feeling the warmth radiating from his face near the fire pit. "You have nothing to apologize for. I'm a grown woman, and I knew what I was getting into. And to be honest, I wanted it too," I admitted, my body still tingling from the memory of our kiss.

His gaze met mine as he placed a hand over mine. "You wanted to kiss me, Olivia? There's something about you that drew me in from the moment we met. I know you're married, and I tried to push those thoughts aside, but I couldn't resist. Please, don't change your opinion of me," he implored, his eyes revealing vulnerability.

Wait a minute. He reciprocated my feelings. This could be dangerous. The mutual attraction was undeniable, but I needed to leave before I made a decision I'd regret.

"I have to go," I said, wriggling free from his grasp and making a beeline for the door. "Wait, Olivia, your car is at the studio. Let me arrange for someone to drive you back and ensure you get home safely," he called after me, concern lacing his voice.

Without looking back, I replied, "Thank you," and hurried out, feeling the need for a swift exit. As Jim drove me back to my house in silence, my mind raced with thoughts of how to approach the situation with Matthew. Should I tell him? Would it do more harm than good?

Arriving home, I bid farewell to Jim and noticed the bedroom light on, indicating Matthew's presence. As I called out to him, my heart sank at the sight of a woman beside him – Heather, one of Callum's friends whom he had been having an affair with for the past six months.

Skipping the ensuing turmoil, I'll give you a brief overview. Matthew had been unfaithful, and the signs had been there. Despite my anger, a part of me felt relieved that a desirable man had shown interest in me, even though I had exercised restraint.

In a decisive move, I ordered an Uber, informing Matthew of a meeting the next day to discuss our next steps. Without a second thought, I walked out the door, the Uber taking me back to The Savoy. Standing outside Henry's hotel room, I embraced the freedom to let go of inhibitions and let the devil guide me.

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