Lights, camera, action

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I arrived at the studio at 5:50 am, parked my car, and took a moment to breathe deeply for five minutes. The nerves were overwhelming, my chest tight, and my underarms soaked with sweat.

Grabbing my tote, I entered the studio with butterflies somersaulting in my stomach. This was a significant day for me after being out of full-time work for so long. I worried that I was too old for this new chapter at the age of 33, feeling like I was 50. I needed to prove myself wrong, especially knowing that I would meet my childhood crush. "Breathe, Olivia, breathe."

Approaching the stage door, a tall man with ashy blonde hair, cargo shorts with numerous pockets, and a stern voice checked my name without even glancing up from his clipboard. As I walked into the set, I was transported back in time to the Victorian era. The actors in smart suits and top hats, along with the women in elaborate dresses and petticoats, created a magical atmosphere.

A shrill voice interrupted my thoughts, "Olivia, great you're here. I'm sorry for all this, but don't be nervous." Angie guided me to Henry's dressing room, where I marveled at the Victorian set resembling extravagant homes. Angie chattered away, barely giving me a chance to speak, as she showed me the plain white room with Victorian clothes racks, a mirror, a makeup chair, and a table filled with snacks.

After a quick rundown from Angie about the shooting schedule and Henry's quirks, I was given the script and told to prepare. Lost in the script, I accidentally bumped into a tall man in a black tracksuit with dark unruly hair, sunglasses, and a captivating scent. It was him, and all the blood drained from my face as he flashed a Cheshire Cat grin.

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