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I awoke on Sunday morning to a knock at the door, my head heavy from the drinks of the night before. Glancing at the clock, it read 8 am, and I wrapped myself in a silk kimono, the empty space beside me a stark reminder of the recent changes. As I descended the stairs, a vibrant bouquet of red roses greeted me at the door.

"Miss Olivia?" The delivery man's voice rang out, and I acknowledged the flowers, concealing the sender's identity from the curious gazes of my sons. Placing the flowers in the kitchen, I retrieved the card, a simple message from Rachel reminding me of her support. A quick thank-you message to Henry followed, the exchange sparking a flutter of anticipation within me.

While preparing breakfast for the boys, Matthew's call punctuated the morning, his concern and kindness a testament to the enduring bond between us. We coordinated the boys' activities for the day, a reminder of the shared responsibilities that persisted despite the fractures in our relationship.

As the boys departed with Matthew, I set about restoring the semblance of normalcy within the house, the absence of his belongings a stark reminder of the changes unfolding. Seeking solace in a relaxing bath, I reflected on the events of the previous night, the memory of Henry's touch lingering in my mind, igniting a spark of desire.

In a moment of impulse, I reached out to Henry, a simple message of gratitude tinged with the underlying current of flirtation. His playful response elicited a rush of excitement, the prospect of future encounters with him stirring a mix of emotions within me.

As the flirtatious banter continued, I found myself drawn to the thrill of the exchange, the anticipation of what might transpire between us building with each message. The allure of Henry's boldness and charm captivated me, igniting a spark of desire that I had long suppressed.

Submerged in the warm waters of the bath, I allowed myself to bask in the whirlwind of emotions, the tantalizing prospect of a liaison with Henry stirring a mix of excitement and uncertainty within me. Amidst the chaos of my crumbling marriage and the uncertainty of the future, one thing was clear – I wanted him, his presence a magnetic pull that I found impossible to resist.

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