Quality time

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Having a few days off was a welcomed break, allowing me to tend to household tasks while the kids played in the garden. Surprisingly, Matthew and I had a lunch discussion to address some legal matters, which initially felt awkward but eventually turned into a pleasant chat. Despite the circumstances, I yearned for a relationship with him in some capacity; his deep understanding of me made the idea of maintaining a friendship incredibly appealing.

The evenings free from work obligations were spent bonding with the boys. We enjoyed a trip to the cinema to watch the latest Marvel film, a tradition I cherished from watching superhero movies with Matthew and the kids. Another evening, we dined out with Rachel and her children, relishing in adult conversation over a glass of wine while our boys played harmoniously. The children were adapting well to the changes, expressing their longing for Daddy's presence at home but finding joy in overnight stays at the old house with him and Connor.

After dropping off the boys with Matthew, I prepared for an early filming session in Hyde Park on Thursday. Upon returning home, a message from Henry stirred excitement within me, expressing his anticipation to see me. His unexpected sweetness touched my heart, causing conflicting emotions as I grappled with the growing attachment to him.

Despite my reservations about developing feelings for Henry, his genuine nature and the connection we shared made it challenging to resist. Reminding myself of the inevitable distance once he returned to the US, I acknowledged the impracticality of envisioning a future together.

Unable to contain my emotions, I called Henry to hear his voice, and his enthusiastic greeting filled me with warmth. Our conversation flowed effortlessly, with him sharing updates on his endeavors and attentively listening to my mundane daily life. The joy and exhilaration I felt during our call brought back a sense of youthful infatuation, igniting a flutter of emotions that I had long forgotten.

As I nestled under the quilt after our call, a wave of happiness washed over me, realizing that Henry had found a place in my heart, and for the moment, I welcomed the feeling without reservation.

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