A Shock

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I felt like I was living in a movie, one of Henry's movies. The way I felt with him was things I have only seen on TV, I was falling head over heels in love with this man. He was kind, funny, attentive, loving and romantic. It all felt too good to be true.

The only downside of course that we both lived in different parts of the world, he was a busy superstar and I was just me. It still played on my mind how this would work, how could we make it work? I'm in love with him and want to be with him all the time when in reality I can't, my thoughts and feelings were all over the place, one minute I'm happy and then next I'm crying because I miss him so much once he has gone.

The rest of his visit went by so quickly, we had a lovely meal on my Birthday with the boys, they were all over Henry absolutely adoring him. It was three hours of them asking him so many questions about his movies and the people he has met. They were just blown over by him, It was so sweet they asked if he could pick them up from school on Monday which he agreed too.

We walked into the playground and everyone was staring at us, the boys came bounding out with a group of their friends saying "I told you Henry Jacobs was my Mum's boyfriend and you didn't believe us." Henry stood with the children and took some pictures with them, he always takes time to talk to people, I stood watching him feeling butterflies in my stomach. Watching him just made me so happy and unbelievably lucky that he chose to love me. 

After he had spoken to everyone the playground started to empty and we took the kids back to Matthew's, they gave Henry a massive hug before they went into the house and thanked him.

We got back home and it was Henry's last evening with me so we decided to have a relaxing evening watching movies and ordered in some food, I enjoyed these normal nights with him. 

"I really appreciate you coming to the school today Henry, it meant so much to the boys." We were sat on the sofa with me snuggled into his chest and his arm around me. He kissed me gently on top of my head and squeezed my shoulder.

"You're welcome my love, they really are some lovely kids you have raised there. I'm so glad that I got to meet them, and now I can't wait until you meet my brood when you come to LA." 

I can't lie I was a bit nervous about meeting his children, he has two with Kate a boy 13 and a girl 11 but then from his first marriage he has a son who is 25. What if they didn't like me, what if they judged me. I was very nervous. And as he has an older son that is only 8 years younger then me what will he think, what if he thinks I am just with Henry for money.

I mean in the press no one really knows who I am so when I have been pictured with him they don't say much. I would hate it if stuff like that would be said because everyone can access social media and make their opinions.

Also Henry said not to read what journalists put as its normally all rubbish and not safe to go down a black hole and upset myself if someone said something unkind. 

The rest of the evening we decided to spend in bed, we made love multiple times just wanting to be as close to each other as we could before he had to go. In-between being intimate with each other we would just lay naked in each others arms.

Before I knew it Henry was gone again and I now had to wait another three weeks to see him, because we have told each other we love each other the space between us seems greater. 

You know when you're in love you want to be with that person all the time and of course we can't do that. Am I silly for letting it get to this point? He can't move here and I can't move there. What are we going to do? have a long distance relationship forever? Going from place to place, constantly at airports? 

Over the next two weeks it was all I could think of. I was feeling more emotional then usual and it was just running round and round my head. 

It was a Friday night exactly 8 days before I was due to fly out to LA and Mathew had come by to pick up the kids, he had asked to come in which I thought was odd.

"How are you doing Liv?" He looked at me with concern in his eyes and I moved over to the fridge to grab a punnet of blueberries.

"I am good, kids has been busy the past few weeks at school and clubs and stuff so not had time to stop really? and just over a week till LA so looking forward to that." I looked at him and forced a smile.

"How long have we known each other Liv? I know you're not yourself your sad and missing Henry I get it. Have you told him yet?" I looked at him puzzled.

"Told Henry what?" He folded his arms and smirked.

"Come on Liv, I have been through two pregnancies with you I can tell the signs. And you are scoffing blueberries like candy, you did the exact same with the boys." 

My heart stopped and I stood motionless with a half eaten blueberry in my mouth.

Mathew moved over to me and took the blueberries out of my hand. 

"Liv.....did you honestly not know?" He held my shoulders and I started to panic then moved away from Matthew and reached for my phone on the kitchen island searching quickly for my health App.

"No Matthew I can't I mean it was a few weeks ago I'm sure of it." I looked at my app and saw I was 2 days late.


Matthew pulled me into a bear hug, "Liv come on its okay. Maybe you should go get a test, make sure. I'll got get you one. Have a sit down and Ill be back as quick as I can." He let me go and headed for the front door .

I went into the front room and sat on the sofa and all that was going round my head was:

"what am I going to do? I can't be! It's only two days, the test will be negative! What will Henry say? We haven't been together long what will people think! What if Henry doesn't want it? Do I even want it? How can we have a baby living in two different places?"

Matthew came back about 15 minutes later, "Liv I'm back, I hope you don't mind but I brought someone with me. Thought you might need her!" 

I got up from the sofa and saw Rach with Matthew, she headed towards me grabbing a bag from Matthews hand. "God you look pale girl, come one lets do this." she grabbed my hand and we headed for the upstairs bathroom." I stopped on the stairs and turned to Mathew.

"Thank you Matthew, I know this is a weird situation and I really appreciate your support." He smiled at me and took off his coat.

"Will always support you Live, you know that. I'll be down here waiting for you."

I laid the stick on the back of the sink and Rach and I stood there hugging. "Thank you for coming Rach, so nice of Matthew to get you. I wouldn't have wanted to do this on my own." She squeezed me tightly. "Of course hun, I love you so much you know that. And whatever happens I will be here for you okay?" Rachels phone timer went off and my heart started to race and I couldn't move. Rachel knew I was panicking

"Do you want me to look Liv?" I nodded my head and she let go of me and reached for the test.

"What does it say Rach?" A lump was forming in my throat, she turned to me with tears in her eyes.

"You're pregnant Liv!"

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