Am I Crazy?

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The last week in Malibu flew by, Henry had finished filming so we had lots of time to spend together with the kids. We took my two to look at the school that Henry sends his kids to, I couldn't get over how amazing the school was, the facilities they had was unbelievable, completely different to the school they are used too but they loved it. I also loved it until I saw the price per year to send them both, it was a private school and I wanted to look at other places that wasn't as costly but Henry kindly offered to pay their tuition and the kids loved it so much so was hard to say they couldn't go. 

We signed them up and got both of them measured for uniform and they would start in the new year. On the way home it was playing on my min how much money it was. 

"Henry it's just so expensive and I can't expect you do that for me." I was feeling anxious about it and needed to have the discussion with him. 

"Liv I want to do it, the boys loved it and they will be with my two. It honestly is a great school and worth the money." 

I sighed as I felt it was too much and don't want people to think I'm taking his money.

"If you are worried about the money, you shouldn't. Money isn't a problem for me, I have been lucky over the years and with my films I earn a lot." He takes one hand off the steering wheel to hold mine.

"I know you earn a lot of money Henry, but that is your money. I don't want people thinking I'm using you. It makes me nervous and I'm just not used to seeing high numbers like that just to pay for a school." I squeezed his hand.

"If you think that figure is high then I'm not showing you the monthly repayments on the house." He laughed and pulled my hand to his lips to plant a small kiss.

"Liv you have to realise that it will now be your money as well. You need to get used to it. I want you to be happy and when you come out permanently I have arranged for you to have access to my account so you won't need for anything." 

I was in shock, I am used to working and helping contribute to the home and Henry's wealth is so great nothing I do will make a dent. Now that I'm now pregnant we have discussed I won't work when I first move out here but I do want to do something once the baby has arrived as I do enjoy working. 

"I really appreciate that. You are just too good to be true my gorgeous man." I look over at him and we smile at each other.

"I love you Liv and will do anything to make you happy for the rest of our lives." 

I then heard a little voice from the back of the car and it was my Mason.

"Can I ask you guys something?" I turned to see his little face.

"Of course buddy, what's up?" Said Henry.

"Are you two going to get married now were moving here? Because I think that would be great." then Beau chipped in. "Yeah me too, we said to Daddy would he be upset if you guys got married and he said no, so were all okay with it."

I sat in shock that they had even had the conversation with Matthew about it so I quickly jumped in.

"Oh boys it's a bit early for that..." And I looked at Henry who was smirking.

"I mean come on Henry you agree right? Too soon to discuss something like that." Butterflies formed in my belly, I obviously would love to marry Henry but we have had so much going on it's not a conversation we have even had. Also we really haven't known each other that long and we are still adjusting to the baby news. 

"Well boys I think it's a great idea, maybe we should have a mans talk about it and go from there. Because if I ask Mummy we want it to be a surprise don't we?" He looked at me and smirked which made my heart flutter.

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