The Weekend

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Friday flew by in a blur, and by 6 pm, my weekend bag was packed and ready in the car as I prepared to drive to The Savoy to spend the weekend with Henry. Throughout the day, our shared glances and stolen kisses kept the anticipation alive, fueling a sense of euphoria with every intimate touch.

In Henry's dressing room, as he changed into comfortable attire, I found myself captivated by his presence. His arms enveloped me, signaling our departure from the busy set. With a shared smile, we bid farewell to the cast and crew before Henry led the way to his awaiting SUV.

Following his instructions, I drove to the front of The Savoy, where my car would be parked, and proceeded to the room where Henry had already arranged for my key card. Nervously, I made my way down the hallway, pausing briefly to call and wish the kids goodnight before approaching Henry's door with a fluttering heart.

Upon entering the room, a wave of enchanting scents and romantic ambiance greeted me, with candles, roses, and champagne setting the mood. A note under the glass directed me to find Henry in the shower, a tantalizing invitation I couldn't resist.

Stepping into the steam-filled bathroom, I found Henry amidst the mist, his presence exuding allure and desire. Joining him under the cascading water, our bodies entwined in a passionate embrace, igniting a fire that blazed with intensity. As he pleasured me with skillful caresses, I surrendered to the ecstasy, lost in the moment of shared pleasure.

With a seamless transition, Henry's ardor led us to a fervent union, each touch and kiss deepening the connection between us. The intimacy of the shower encounter left us breathless and exhilarated, setting the tone for a weekend filled with unbridled passion.

Afterward, we dried off and moved to the living room, where Henry's attentive care and affection continued. Despite my insecurities, Henry's reassurance and adoration enveloped me, dispelling any doubts and reaffirming the magnetic pull we shared.

As we settled in for the evening, the warmth of Henry's embrace and the comfort of our intimate conversations eased my mind, culminating in a serene moment of shared closeness before drifting off to sleep in each other's arms.

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