Breaking the rules

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I woke up early on Monday feeling the absence of Matthew beside me. Although I could have slept for another half an hour, I decided to rise and prepare for the day. Making my way downstairs to brew a coffee, I noticed the darkness outside as August was coming to an end, bringing a chill to the morning air. Clutching the warm cup close to my chest, I returned upstairs to the dressing table. The signs of aging were evident in the bags under my eyes, the changes in my skin, and the emerging crow's feet. Applying moisturizer, I decided to take the extra time to enhance my appearance, hoping to feel better by looking good, and perhaps catching Henry's attention.

Opting for smokey eyes and barrel curls, I selected a black short-sleeved shift dress and knee-high boots from my wardrobe. Instead of the usual black tights, I chose a matching lace black bra and thong to show off a bit of leg. Standing before the mirror, I felt content with my reflection until I noticed my engagement and wedding rings, a reminder of the complicated situation with Matthew. Setting the rings aside, I pushed aside those thoughts and focused on getting ready for the day.

Arriving at work at 6 am, I made a beeline for another coffee to shake off the morning grogginess. Passing by Henry's dressing room, I was surprised to find him already there, an unusual sight. Teasingly, I greeted him, commenting on his early presence. His smile drew me in, and before I knew it, we were locked in a passionate embrace, breaking the rules of the workplace. The intense attraction between us led to a steamy moment on the sofa, where desire and temptation took over.

Amidst the forbidden encounter, Henry proposed a weekend getaway, igniting a mix of excitement and hesitation within me. The day passed in a blur of secret glances and touches, making me feel cherished and desired. As I bid him goodnight, the anticipation for our upcoming rendezvous heightened, and I couldn't deny the growing feelings I had for him.

As Thursday approached, I found myself eagerly counting down the days until I could see Henry again, craving the connection we shared. Despite the looming separation, the prospect of our weekend together filled me with a mix of thrill and uncertainty, knowing that it would mark a new chapter in my life.

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