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"Oh my god, Mr. Jacobs, I am so sorry," I stepped back, feeling the warmth linger from where his hands had been on my shoulders.

"It's okay, and no need to call me Mr. Jacobs, it's Henry," he said, extending his hand. His American accent left me speechless as I shook his hand, feeling an electric sensation shoot up my arm and into my chest.

"I'm Olivia. Nice to meet you, Mr... I mean, Henry," I stammered, mesmerized by his dark brown eyes and charming smile. Despite being in his late 40s, he was still incredibly handsome with deep smile lines and stubble.

Realizing I had held his hand for too long, I quickly dropped it to my side. "I've picked up the script. Shall we go over everything? Or do you have a specific routine with Becky?" I asked, noticing his captivating grin.

"Sorry, Olivia. Yes, I do have a routine. Let's go through it together. If you have any questions, ask me or my assistant, Jim. He's just grabbing some stuff from the car, and I'll introduce you guys," Henry replied.

He led me to the leather sofa, where we discussed the changes in the script. As we wrapped up, a tall bald man in baggy jeans and a white t-shirt entered with a beautiful blonde in a black outfit. They exchanged greetings, and the blonde started unpacking her belongings on the glass table.

"Henry, you ready?" she asked with a delicate voice, while Jim introduced me as Becky's replacement.

As Henry got his makeup done, I chatted with Jim, who shared his long history working with Henry and offered his assistance. Their kindness helped ease my nerves as I prepared for the day.

At 8 am, my phone rang, and it was Matthew, my husband, and our boys. They sent their love and wished me luck for the day. After the call, I returned to the dressing room to find Henry with a small grey-haired man. Henry asked me if I was a fan of the films, to which I replied positively, trying to play it cool.

With Angie's arrival signaling it was time to start, I braced myself for the day ahead. Game time.

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