Sunday walks in the park

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We woke up on Sunday and something felt different, it was the most relaxed and comfortable that I had felt since Henry and I got together. I'm starting to feel less inferior to him, I think it's because Henry is so reassuring and even though I think he is special he doesn't seem to think the same about himself. 

He constantly tells me that I mean the world to him and cannot wait until we can grow as a couple. I've never been with someone that is so open about his feelings before, maybe its his age but all I remember from my dating days was trying to get feelings out of a boy was like getting blood out of a stone. This was so refreshing and settling.

We are out on the balcony and I'm still wrapped up in his dressing gown, whenever I'm with him this is all I wear, it smells just like him so I feel like I constantly have his arms wrapped around me! Were eating breakfast and I just can't stop staring at him. I still feel like I need to pinch myself that I am here with him. As we're eating our poached eggs he turns to me.

"I need to bring this up with you as I said something yesterday and we didn't talk about it previously or after I said it because you left and I just want to say it again or more ask you really?" He looked at me and my cheeks began to flush.

"I know we haven't known each other that long but I want us to be a couple... I mean keeping it a secret and hiding away is fun, but I'm not 20 anymore I know what I want and its you! I know you have a lot going on and if it's too much I understand but..... I want there to be an us. I know it will have its challenges but I want to give it a try if you want to?"

I know it's so soon after Matthew and I need to talk to him but it feels so right with Henry. I want to see where this will go, I want to give it a try.

I placed my hand on his cheek and shyly smiled at Henry.

"That is the sweetest thing anyone has said to me. How could I say no!! "

I took myself off into Henry's bedroom to call Matthew I wanted him to hear this from me and I wanted to be as honest as I could. Matthew was wonderful about it. He wished us the best and just asked if he could meet Henry before introducing to the children which I agreed to.  He said that he would always support my decisions and the he trusted me. I love that I can still go to him, after all he's known me for so long to lose his friendship as well as our relationship would have crushed me.

I came out of the bedroom and Henry was on his phone he looked over at me and winked before thanking whoever he was talking to and hung up. " You know what I want to do today?" He walked over to me and planet a tender kiss on my forehead.

"And what's that darling?" I turned and followed him into the bedroom.

"I want us to go for a walk? Get some fresh air!!! What do you think?" Butterflies started to form in my stomach, I enjoyed the time on our own, we didn't have to hide our feelings and could be ourselves. Outside we will have to pretend like we don't know each other and it made me sad.

Henry was in the dresser draws getting out a tracksuit and turned to me! "What's wrong you don't want to do that?"

" I love a walk but........ I love it just being us. We can be ourselves and I don't want to be around people watching us and then I can't touch you or kiss you and I just don't think I'm ready to go back into secret mode just yet." He walked over to me and planted a kiss on my lips.

"But we're together now we don't have to keep it a secret anymore. You spoke to Matthew right?" He started to dress in front of me and I hated seeing him back in clothes.

"Yes Matthew was great about it. But if any one sees us or takes pictures, which they will because it's you and then work will find out and sack me!! Then what will I do?"

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