Reality Kicks In

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"Kate what are you doing here?" Henry walked towards his ex wife and I could tell his was angry, leaving me standing like a statue in the hallway not knowing what to do. She looked me up and down then started to follow Henry into the living room. She spoke with a sharp and rather un-feeling tone. "What am I doing here Henry I'm your wife... who is that little thing in the hallway? That's what the real question is?" 

I didn't follow them into the living room but rushed to the bedroom to grab some clothes as of right now all I was wearing was the bikini and Henry's dressing gown but I could still hear them talking as I started to grab my things.

"Excuse me Kate but if you remember right you are my ex wife and therefore none of your business. And don't talk about Olivia in a bad way, I won't have it.!!"

He was willing to stand up for me, I was so shocked.

"Whatever her name is Henry, I don't care. I came to talk to you and I don't want your bit on the side here while we talk so get rid of her."

Before Henry could answer I walked into the living room with my wet hair and rushed to put on jogging bottoms and jumper. With my bag in hand I was so cross at how she was speaking to him I couldn't hold my tongue.

"He told you my name its Olivia and no need to get him to make me leave, I'm going." I turned on my heels and headed for the door even though I was barefoot I feel I was too committed to be stropping out to now stop.

But I could hear Henry calling behind me. "No Olivia, stop please! Kate you go if you wanted to talk you should have called I'm not making my girlfriend leave because you are having one of your moods. Were done and I don't have to put up with it anymore. I've found someone that makes me happy and I want you and I to be civil for the kids and that's it."

I stood there with a lump in my throat....He just called me his girlfriend. We haven't even known each other a month yet and we have never had that conversation. I mean I never thought he would ever think of me that way. Instead of looking at Henry I looked at Kate and she had the same expression on her face as me.

"Girlfriend? Are you joking Henry how long have you known her? I came here to see if we could sort things out for the kids and you do this? Little UK fling while you're meant to be working." she moved back and sat on the sofa.

Henry just stood staring at me and I couldn't look at him even though I wanted to it didn't feel right.

he let out a sigh and sat next to Kate. " Kate we've been divorced for 6 months we tried to make it work for 2 years and you wanted to end it and you are with Ralph are you joking right now?"

She turned to look at Henry, "Ralph left me. I just needed to see you I'm sorry. I realised how stupid I was. I should have always stayed with you." She rested her head on his shoulder and started to cry. 

I didn't want to see this. This was hurting my heart and I could never compete with the mother of his children, so before Henry could look over at me I headed for the door and left with tears in my eyes. 

I went straight down to the parking garage, grabbed my keys from the valet and jumped into my car. I was in such shock I didn't realise that I still had no shoes on. I grabbed some flip flops out of my bag had a little cry and then started up the car and headed for home.

I knew it was too good to be true.

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