Once upon a time...

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Once upon a time, there was a girl named Shelly. Shelly was very girly and loved pretty skirts. She wore skirts everyday.

One day at school, a boy asked her to go climb on the jungle gym. So Shelly did.

When Shelly got home she told her mom about her day, including the part of the jungle gym.

"Shelly don't do that! He might just want to look at your underwear." Said her mother. What the big deal was, Shelly didn't understand.

The next day, the same boy asked her to climb the jungle gym again. So she did.

Shelly told her mother again, including the jungle gym moment.

"Didnt I tell you, young lady?" Fumed her mother. "He just wants to see your underwear!"

"But mommy I tricked him!" Said Shelly" today I didn't wear any underwear!"

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