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Hey guys if any of you are into fairy tail (an anime. Mind you its and awesome one!) I made a collection of funny memes! Check it out! And if any of you don't know what I'm talking about search up "fairy tail" (please spell tail correctly. Like please, it's tail not tale.) it's about this guild named fairy tail who are all about family- but at the same time violence (when it's necessary). It's very funny and emotional I cried a couple of times! It's a tiny bit cliche but I love it! The name sounds like it's all about hearts and dollies and cute shit but it's the opposite. XD heads up watch out for this character named Natsu (if you watch it)... He is very, hotheaded, so to speak*slaps knee* check it out on crunchy roll it's an anime app that lets you watch tons of anime in there OR you can search it up on google and watch it on a website called "gogo anime" it's free as well and has all of the episodes. Crunchyroll has it up to 12 and skips until 49. I don't know why but if you do decide to watch it I suggest you watch it on "gogo anime" first. Enjoy! 😋

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