Chapter 74: The Most Untarnished Love

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De Luca:

I woke up bandaged and in the hospital bed like she promised.

I attempted to get up but it hurt like a bitch. I still did it and sat up with my legs over the side of the bed.
She was sitting there with the pages in her hands and a small notepad they gave her.

I felt my ribs with my free hand.

"Broken arm. Broken rib. Sprained knee." she stated.
I just looked at her.
"Never tell me you're alright again." She looked me in my eyes. "It's the one time you ever lie."
I didn't respond.

"What happened?" she asked.
She just stared at me.
"She was living with me after her father died, said she had nowhere else to go. I spent every day sleeping in my car or at my father's house while she stayed at mine and I got tired of it so I kicked her out. She got pissed."
"What did the threat say?"
"That she'd divorce me in hell. I smelled gas, guess she broke the knobs on the stove or somethin'. So I hurried up to pack a bag got halfway through before I saw her sitting in a corner of my room and playing with one of my lighters. I called her name, she ignored it and left my room, shut my bedroom door, the minute I went for it, the house blew up in flames."
"So she's dead..." Zoe stated.
"If she ain't run out the door towards you, then yea." And that cat.
I honestly couldn't be happier.
She sighed and leaned back in her seat.

I stood up and began getting dressed.

"What're you doing?" she asked me.
"Putting clothes on."
"Stop it."
I continued.
She stood up and pushed my hand down away from my shirt buttons.
I stared at her.
"Why do you refuse to let yourself heal?! Sit there and stop trying to run missions after your injuries! You are hurt!" she exclaimed.
"I don't like hospitals."
She sighed.

"If I take you to my place do you promise to stay there and not go anywhere else?"
I thought about it.
"Answer me, please."
"Yes." I replied. "I won't go anywhere."
She took a deep breath then handed me my jacket.

I finished getting dressed and we walked out.
They offered me a crutch and I denied but they insisted they put my arm in a sling. Shit is excessive.

Of course she drove again and I just sat in the passenger seat.
There's a difference between being chauffeured and sitting in the passenger spot.
I felt like a bitch.

We arrived at her parking garage and she attempted to help me get out but I didn't let her.
"Why do you refuse help all of the time? I shouldn't have let you turn down the crutches," she stated as I limped towards the door.
"I don't need it."
"You're limping, Marco." She opened the door.
I hate being told something I already know.

I didn't respond and just walked inside.

She unlocked the door and I walked to the couch and sat.

This was bullshit, but it was better than bein' dead.

I looked at Zoe.
She'd taken her jacket off and was going through her kitchen.
"What're you doing?" I asked.
"You haven't eaten today." she replied.
I sighed. She insists on takin' care of me when I'm supposed to be the one takin' care of her.
Me not being able to kill anybody while I'm in this state is gonna piss me off. If I have to stay inside, so does she.

"Don't leave the house." I stated.
She stopped moving and looked at me.
"Stay here." I commanded.
"I have to go to work..."
"I will pay you to not go to work while I'm like this."
I need her to not argue with me about this.
"Okay..." she agreed. "I'll stay here."
Thank you.

I continued sitting there and staring at the off television screen while she did whatever she was doing in the kitchen.

I took out my phone and dialed.

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