Chapter 33: Hospitals and House Tours

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I woke up in the middle of the night and blinked my eyes open.

I looked at my phone and it said 2am. I sat up and looked down only to see that I was naked. I then noticed the fabric that slipped off of my body and I looked at it. It was his jacket. The one he wore today. It smelled like him. I smiled faintly.

I got up and threw clean underwear on before leaving my room to find him.
I checked the bathroom. It was empty.
I went to the living room and assumed he slept on the couch.
Both the living room and kitchen were empty.

"What..." I sighed.

I looked down at my body and immediately felt bad. He left...

I forgot I had a type.
Men that don't like me.

I went back to my room and crawled in bed. I knocked his jacket off and onto the floor then laid back down. I quickly wiped my tears off of my cheeks and just tried my hardest to go back to sleep.


I woke up a second time only a few hours later from the sunlight that shined through my large window.
I saw something in the corner of my eye.

A hand. That was attached to an arm. That laid under my head.

I rolled over and looked. He was next to me. Laying there and sleeping peacefully. My hand touched his face. I flinched when he grabbed onto my wrist. I didn't know he was awake.
He kissed the inside of it and as he did, I saw his face turn a bit and noticed a cut under his eye. I wondered what happened.

His eyes blinked open and I heard him wince. I wondered why, but then I remembered the window.
I quickly straddled over him, making sure I didn't put my weight down onto his bullet wound, and blocked his vision from the Sun with my hands.
"I'm so sorry!" I stated and looked at him with my hands shading his eyes.
He stared at me with his hands holding my waist. "Close your eyes!" I instructed.
He closed them.
I quickly got off and shut my curtains, they were black so it made the room pretty dark.
I then went around and turned on my lamp.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." I instructed.
He didn't.
"You can open them." I repeated. Maybe he didn't hear me.
He still didn't.
Did he fall back asleep? He can't have. Not that fast.
I pulled the blanket off of him. "Mr. De Luca, you can-..."
I stopped.

His entire shirt was coated in his blood right where his wound from last night was. It was more than before. I wondered how long he'd been bleeding out.

"Hey...hey...stay with me, okay?" I commanded and gently smacked his face.
His eyes blinked a few times.
"Yea, like that. Keep them open."
I grabbed my phone and began dialing.

"911 what's your emergency?" the operator replied.
"I need an ambulance!" I stated.
"No..." he argued. He got up and snatched my phone only to collapse onto the ground in unconsciousness.
"No, no, no! You need to stay with me, okay?" I pulled his face up and laid it in my lap.
He opened his eyes again just barely.
I took my phone and continued speaking to the operator.
"Hello? Are you there?" she asked.
"I'm here! Can you please send an ambulance? My boss lost a lot of blood and he's scaring me."
"They're on their way."
"Thank you."
I hung up and looked back at Mr. De Luca.
"Come on... Stay with me please."


I sat in the waiting room of the hospital as Mr. De Luca was being treated.
I was wearing his jacket but only in case he got cold later and I was a bit chilly while sitting in the waiting room.

I looked up and a nurse was already looking at me.
"Yes?" I answered.
"You can come see him now." he replied.

I got up quickly and followed behind the nurse to where they were keeping Mr. De Luca.

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