Chapter 68: The Months That Pass

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De Luca:

Month one, I went on kill sprees. Everyone pissed me off. I was angry all the time. I'd hurt more people than the amount I'd answered questions to.

Month two, I mostly spent in my car. Gabriel told me not to come in. Said I was actin' like a child throwin' a tantrum.

Month three, I put most of my efforts into trying to piece things in those books together or opening a new casino to use as a cover up for my absence. You get too quiet in the news around here and everyone gets curious. When they saw me walking into the casinos everything was fine, but I've been gone too long.

Month four, I spent separating information from the books. Shit I already knew was separated from the shit I didn't know and there was another list made for shit I'd need the third book for in order to understand.

Month five, drinking. Whatever I could find. Wine, whiskey, bourbon, if I had a bottle in my presence then I'd drink it. I was drunk for half of that month and tipsy for the other half. That ain't stop me from workin' though.

Month six, I was unfazed by everything like usual and I sat in an office with my father and the mole he'd hired. I guess you could say I'm back to my old self.

"I don't know where he keeps them. There's some room he goes in that we can't walk inside of and that's my best guess so far. I know only he goes inside of it so there's no way he knows what's inside the books. For months he's tried hiring people, he's tried getting us to understand, it's all just a bunch of shapes and symbols. Nobody knows and he's killed some of us over it."

"That's enough. Thank you." my father stated and the mole got up and walked out of the room.
"So?" he asked me.
"So what?" I said as I lit my cigarette.
"You want to be a leader, but can't think of a plan?"
I exhaled my smoke. "I don't know what you want from me."
"I want you to stop acting like a dumbass."

I looked at him.

"Don't sit there and act like you don't know what else to do."
I stood up. "I'll go for a ride and I'll tell you if I come up with somethin'."
"If you don't, don't come back. I'm not in the mood for games, Marco. My wife is on the line."

I puffed my cigarette as I walked out of his office.

I could hear the voices downstairs as I walked towards the front door. I left and got in my car, but I just sat there for a minute.

My cigarette rested between my lips as I fixed the bandages on my knuckles from a fight I started two days ago. I started it for no reason. I guess I just wanted to feel somethin'. Not just anything. I wanted to get out my rage. I couldn't do it with the guys 'cause the minute I try to start somethin', they apologize.
So I went to a bar and got the biggest drunk I could, turned him around and bitch slapped him. Fight ain't last more than thirty seconds. I let him get his swings out then forced a good five solid hooks into his face. Left him on the counter. Wasn't enough, but...I accepted it and went on my way.

I started my car and drove out of the driveway. There was something I did everyday at around this time for the past three months. I'd check on her. For the first three months she was always home and I'd sit in the parking garage from midnight to the break of dawn making sure nobody came to harm her. Months four, five, and six she got a job as a hostess at this one decent restaurant. I visit and make sure they don't bother her there either.

I drove to the restaurant that was a good thirty to forty five minutes away. The drive was worth it.

I pulled into their parallel parking spot in front of the building and just stared through one of the windows I could see her in.

I could see her in there, working.

She smiled at them, got 'em to follow her to their seats, then came back and spoke to one of her friends.

I smoked my cigarette and sat with my head thrown back.

For the past few months since she began working here, she'd never seen me. I park a few cars behind hers and never directly in front of the window.

I get a lot of thinkin' done when I do this.

I just sit there where I know she's safe and no one's bothering her and my thoughts can finally be occupied by something else.

It's what I mean when I tell Gabriel I'm goin' for a ride because he thinks I'm some idiot that can't think on his own. That ain't the problem. I just ain't used to not being around her everyday, yet. I'm not used to not being a bodyguard anymore.
At some point I will be.
One of these days my stop here will be the last.
I don't know when.
But it'll happen.
And I'll let her go completely.

My phone rang.

"Yea?" I answered.
"Where are you?" she asked.

I solved one problem and created another.

After killing Stefano, Viviana was so heartbroken that she demanded to live with me until she got over it. It's been six months and I haven't slept in my own bed. I don't go home other than to shower and change. I sleep in my car because if I sleep in my house, I will murder her. I don't know why I keep her alive. But each day, I regret that I haven't and I get increasingly angry.

"What does it matter?" I asked.
"I would like to know where my husband is."
"I'm not your husband."
"The ring on your finger would say otherwise."

I looked at my empty left hand. I threw that ring in Stefano's garden months ago.

"I want you out of my house by daybreak." I stated and knocked off my cigarette ashes.
"Excuse me?" she replied.
"I don't like repeating myself. Get out or I throw you out."
"You can't do that to me! Where will I go?"

Not my problem and she's rich. She could buy a house the minute she zips up her luggage.

I hung up. I don't argue.

I went back to trying to think of solutions. Everything had been going to shit over the past six months. We don't know what Caio plans to do with the decoded books and we don't know how long we got until he decodes the third one. We don't even know how to take it from him before he can. Mole doesn't work. Can't kidnap someone he cares about because he doesn't care about anybody.

I looked back through the window. She was laughing with the group she usually talks to when she's there.

I could leave, but I knew Viviana wasn't out of the house that soon. I don't have shit to tell Gabriel if I go back over there. Plus, she gets off soon. Might as well wait to make sure she gets in her car safe.

I put out my cigarette then stared forward with my head back against the seat.

The phone rang again and I answered without looking at the contact information.

"Where are you?" he asked me.
"They got this new bottle and we thought you'd want a swig but you ain't here."
"You all right?"

I watched the door to the restaurant open and Zoe stepped out as she waved to her friends who said goodbye back. She was cold and held onto her jacket tighter.

I looked back forward. "I'm fine." I answered.
"Alright, well, we'll drink enough for you."

I hung up. I don't drink for fun. There's nothin' fun about bein' drunk.

I looked back for Zoe once I noticed her car hadn't driven off.

I looked in every direction and didn't see anything.

Suddenly, I heard a loud scream.

I grabbed my gun and made sure it was loaded before I got out and began walking towards the sound.

There was an alleyway.

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