Chapter 28: Tacos

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Tonight was the night I'd be going out with Josh. I'd finished work earlier and made sure to keep my distance away from Mr. De Luca.
Now I was trying to find the most casual, but cute, thing to wear out so that Josh knew this wasn't a date. I'd even be paying for my own dinner and movie ticket.

It was pretty warm out especially for the evening so my idea to wear a hoodie and pants was thrown out of the window. I instead put on a casual dress. Nothing too fancy, but it was nice for the weather and it was cute.
I found nice shoes that matched and weren't heels. Heels made it seem like a date. No heels.

I didn't tell Nikki what I was doing. If I did, and it went wrong, I wouldn't hear the end of it. Luckily, she was eating dinner with Charlie and his parents at their house so she wouldn't notice I was gone.

Josh was on his way and I patiently waited for a text. I was nervous for some reason.

My phone vibrated.
'Hey, I'm outside.' he sent.
'Okay' I replied.

I grabbed my purse and headed on my way after shutting and locking the door behind me.

He was parked in a nice car in front of the door. I don't remember him ever riding in something this nice.

I got in.

He looked...good.

He was never terrible looking, but looking at him now, I could see that his looks and way of dressing had matured.
He wore a dress shirt and dress pants. A bit formal for a friendly outing, but whatever. His wavy hair was nicely brushed back and he'd even grown it out a bit more. It framed his face well. He also had a bit of a beard that was trimmed lowly.

"Hi." he smiled.
"Hi." I smiled back.
He examined me. "You look...amazing." he stated.
"Aww thanks. I wanted to wear something subtle since it was a small outing." I reminded him.
"Right. That makes sense. Just friends."
"Yea. But you look great though. I like your hair."
"Really? You used to tell me you thought I'd look nice if I grew my hair out a bit more. I took your word for it. Guess you were right." he snickered.
"Did I? I don't even remember."
"Yea. It's fine. Are you ready to go?"
"Yea." I nodded.
"Okay, cool." He drove off.


We sat at the table and I was a bit uncomfortable. Only because he'd apparently called for a reservation. At a restaurant that isn't cheap. At all.
What happened to 'friendly outing'?

"So what do you do now?" he asked me as we read the menu.
"Um...I'm an assistant for a CEO. Some chairman for a line of casinos."
"Oh that's cool. I bet he keeps you pretty busy, huh?"
Not really.
"Yea, kind of. Anyways, what about you?"
"I finally got off my ass and finished law school." he scoffed.
"Yea." he snickered.
"That's so good, I'm so happy for you!" I smiled. He always had a plan to become a lawyer but he couldn't find the motivation.
"Thank you. I just...I realized it was time to grow up and I'd been sitting around doing nothing but scrolling through social media. Which doesn't pay the bills."
I laughed. "Yea."

"Or keep the relationships." he added.
He was looking at me and my smile faded.

"So work for a firm?" I wondered.
"Yea. I'm not necessarily at the top of the rankings but I'm getting paid a pretty good sum. And I really do like it so far."
"Well that's good to hear. I'm proud of you."
"Thank you." he smiled.

I looked back at the menu.

"So...How's Nikki?" he asked.
"Oh she's fine."
"She still with Charlie?"
"Yep. Six years. Going strong." I snickered.
"Yea. Good for them."
"Yea, I'm happy for her." I replied.
"I hoped that would be us..."

I looked at him. "Josh..."
"What?" He looked back at me.
"What're you doing?"
"I'm just talking. That's all."
I sighed.
"I'm making you uncomfortable. I'm sorry."
"No, it's okay. It's said this would be an outing for friends. But you picked me up in almost a suit. You take us to this expensive restaurant. And you keep talking about our old relationship."
"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm trying too hard and I'm over compensating."
I didn't respond.
"It's just..."

I set the menu down.

"I've missed you so much. You were the sweetest, most caring, girlfriend I'd ever had and I ruined it. I tried getting over you and I couldn't. I tried dating apps and every date I went on I'd just look them in the eye and think...Zoe wouldn't do that. Zoe wouldn't say that. Zoe would've laughed at that corny joke."
I snickered because it was true that I used to laugh at all of his corny jokes.
"And I'm sorry I'm doing this. I am. But...I was so excited, just feels so good having you in front of me again." he stated.

I took a deep breath.

"What if...we start over." I offered.
He stared at me.
"We just go and we get a hotdog or something. We go see our movie. And we just enjoy the time right now. As friends. Then maybe we could have another later on. Maybe this weekend. If it goes well."
"Yea. We can do that." he nodded.

I got out of my seat and waited for him.
He got out too and we both walked out of the restaurant.

"Hotdog or tacos?" I asked.
"I haven't had a taco in forever." he replied.
"Tacos it is." I smiled and we headed in that direction.


"Easily the best taco I've ever had," said Josh as we walked away from the restaurant.
"It is isn't it? I'm glad you chose it." I replied and took another bite.
"Well you chose the restaurant."
"But you chose the dish. So technically..."
"It was both of us."
"Yea, it was both of us." I snickered.

We kept walking and I lifted my head when I heard the chimes go off from someone leaving or entering a store. I saw them walking out of the convenience store.

I stopped walking.

"What's wrong?" Josh asked and ate the last bite of his taco.
"Nothing. That's my boss."
He looked to see.

Mr. De Luca stood in front of the convenience store as he lit a cigarette from the new pack he'd just bought. He removed his sunglasses. Which was smart because I'm sure he'd struggle to see in them at night.

"You said it, not me."
"He isn't. I promise he's a nice guy."
"Why did he wear sunglasses inside the store?"
"He has photophobia."
"He's scared of pictures?"
I giggled because I thought the same before I looked it up. "No, his eyes are really sensitive to light."
"Oh, I see."
"Do you wanna meet him? I think it would be rude to not speak after I've seen him."
"He gave me the night off so I could spend it with you. You should meet him."
"Come on."

I took his arm and pulled him towards Mr. De Luca.

"Hi, Mr. De Luca!" I stated and we stopped next to him.
His head turned to look at me.
He looked at Josh.
"This is Josh. He's who you gave me the evening off to see." I introduced.
"Hey. How's it going?" Josh greeted and held his hand out.
Mr. De Luca looked down at it.

A phone started ringing.

"Excuse me." Josh said and walked off to take the call.

Mr. De Luca's eyes met me again.

"That the ex?" he asked.
"Yea. That's him."
"This a date?"
"No. Just friends hanging out."

He walked to his car then got inside and Mike drove off.

"Where'd he go?" Josh asked when he reached me again.
"I don't know..." I replied.
"How was your call?"
"I told them I'd call back later. But it'll probably just be about business anyway."
"Oh, yea I forgot you're a big time lawyer." I teased.
"Almost a big time lawyer. Almost."
"I like the manifestation." I snickered and he and I walked off to his car so we could go see our movie.

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