Chapter 43: Chocolate Cake

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I sat in front of Mr. De Luca with my food in front of me and a glass of wine as we spoke. The food was delicious. If it didn't cost so much, I'd come everyday. There was also a devils food cake they had on the menu that I really wanted to try, but, even though it's free, I wouldn't bring it up unless he asked.

He looked so good and this gave me an excuse to stare.
He told me this was meant to be for the wedding planning but I'd left my notebook in the car and he didn't bring it up.
It a date.
But he didn't say it was one so I knew I shouldn't do that to myself.

"What did you do for the rest of the day?" I asked. "Since I wasn't with you."
The conversation had been that dry for most of the evening. But I couldn't be surprised. It's just the way that he was.

"I should go get my notebook. I realize I left it in the car." I stated.
"Don't worry about it." he instructed.
"But you said it was what tonight was for."
"Change of plans."
"Okay." I accepted. "So then what is it for?"
"Talk to me."
I just gazed at him.
"Tell me about you." he directed.
" what?"
"Whatever you want."
I was shocked. I didn't expect him to want to know anything about me but...the offer was nice.

", I'm an only child. I'm only half Italian, obviously, and I can't speak the language for the most part. Um...My favorite color is green. I've only had two boyfriends and one was in middle school so I don't count that. Um...My birthday is March 13th." I didn't know what else to say.

He just stared at me as he sipped his drink. He got whiskey instead of wine. I guess I'd be the only one drinking from the bottle.

"What about you?" I offered.
"What about me?"
"Like tell me some things about you."
He didn't respond.
"Um...When's your birthday?"
"November 19."
"What's your favorite color?"
"I don't have one."
He just blinked at me.
This wasn't going well.
"Your other job besides owning the casinos?" I wondered.
"What about it?"
"Can you tell me more about it?" Even though a part of me knew.
I just sighed and looked down at the table. This was pointless. I don't know why I decided to be interested in such a clearly uninterested man. I'm wasting my time like everyone said I would be.

"Another time," he stated.
I looked up at him. "Huh?"
"I'll tell you about it another time. Not today."
"Okay." I guess that's a little better.

The door opened and in came the woman with our bill.

"Is there anything else the two of you would like before your evening with us comes to an end?"
I looked at Mr. De Luca and he looked at me. "Do you want something else?" he asked.
"There was a slice of devil's food cake that sounded really nice..."
"That. Put it in a to-go box with a fork." Mr. De Luca instructed and slapped his card on the bill. He didn't even read it.
"Yes, sir." She took it and walked off.

"I told you about that." I stated.
"About what?"
"Being nicer to workers. Your voice is too deep and commanding to just spit out orders. Start saying please."
He just stared at me.
"Please?" I begged.

The door opened shortly and the woman came in with a receipt and a little to-go bag of my cake.
"Here we go. I hope you have a nice rest of your evening." She smiled.
"Thank you." Mr. De Luca replied and it made me smile.
She nodded and walked out again.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked as he went into his wallet.
He stood up and slapped a fifty dollar bill on the table before we walked out.

"So..." I began nervously.
"I don't feel like drivin', yet." he stated.
"Let's go for a walk."
He began and I happily followed next to him.

The walk was silent.
I don't know why I keep expecting different.

I opened the bag in my hand and took out my cake and fork before placing the bag straps onto my wrist.
I opened the small cake box and took a small bit on my fork to try.

I had to stop as I admired the taste. It was so soft and moist and the icing was perfect.
"This is so good!" I told him.
I noticed he'd stopped with me and just watched my reaction.
"Do you wanna try it? It's really really good."
"I don't eat sweet stuff."
"Come on. Just a small bite." I offered. I took a bit on my fork and held it up to him.
He looked at it then me.
"Please?" I begged. "Open."
He looked around as if to make sure no one was watching before he took the bite on the fork. I giggled at how shy he was about it.
"It's good isn't it?" I asked and licked the extra frosting he'd left behind on the fork.
He was staring at me.
"Wha-..." I was pushed into an alleyway then against the wall before he grabbed my face and pressed our lips together.

Although I was surprised, it didn't stop me from kissing him back.
His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled my body closer to him while he slipped the kiss deeper. I kept forgetting to breathe I was so into it. It finally calmed down and he let me go.
I just stared at him with wide eyes.
We both didn't speak for a few seconds.

"Um...Why?" I asked shyly.
"I liked the cake."
I nodded. "Okay."

"Don't lick the fork again." he instructed.
"Let's go." He walked off, but I stood against the wall to register what just happened.

"I'm coming!" I said and rushed off to him.


We made it to my place after we walked around the city a bit. Every five minutes he'd finally start talking more.

"Will you still be helping me with the wedding?" I asked and took his hand to pull him inside behind me.
"Depends." he replied and closed the door.
"Whether or not you believe that the wedding is just to get a job done and not because me and Viviana love each other."
I turned and looked at him.
He stood there with his hands in his pockets and stared back at me.

He's not very spontaneous, his maneurisms and body language are always the same. He looks me in my eyes every time. His hands are always in his pockets. His spine is straight. His gaze is intimidating even though I know he isn't trying to threaten me.

Then he pushes me against a wall and makes out with me for thirty seconds.
So maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe he is spontaneous.

"Okay..." I agreed.
"I believe you." I accepted. But it still made me feel kind of bad.

"Come here."
I walked closer to him.
His hand gently held the side of my face and his thumb gingerly caressed my cheek.

"Are you about to leave?" I asked.
"Do you want me to?"
"I'm not leaving."

There was a chance I'd regret what I was about to do.

I took his hand and pulled him behind me towards my room.

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