Chapter 65: Luck Ran Out

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De Luca:

It had been hours and I'd taken out three of his facilities and still hadn't got a word back. I hadn't even gotten out of the car. I slept there and waited. Only a couple of hours which was all my body was willing to give me. The asshole pisses me off with how unalarmed he is by violence. They think I don't care about anything but he finds joy in everything. I think that's worse. I'd killed half of his men or otherwise rendered them useless and he didn't give a fuck. I was sure he chuckled.

Once I woke up, I was in the process of quickly photographing every page in both books just in case my violent coping mechanism wasn't enough to change his mind. I'd print them out later. I just wished I had that third book.

As I worked, my phone rang.

"Marco." he replied.

I didn't answer. I just stared straight ahead through my windshield.

"I got your message. Kind of brutal, cousin." he stated.
"I thought you said I lost my touch."
"You must've found it. I like how you sign your work. With the blood of your enemies, it's kind of poetic."

Crazy bastard.

"Where is she?" I cut to the chase.
"With me. Don't ask stupid questions."
"Let her go. Don't play coy."
"Yea, scary you savagely killed my men, but that wasn't the deal. Was it?"
"Your deal is shit."
"GIVE ME THE FUCKING BOOKS!" he shouted in rage.

I just took a deep breath in response.

"I can hire more workers until the population drops to just me and you but there's only one copy of those books. Make a wise decision."

I heard a gun cock.

"She's cute, I'd hate to punch her teeth in, but if push comes to shove..."

The gun went off and I heard a feminine scream.

I had to keep my alertness quiet or else he'd know he was gettin' to me.

"What d'you say?" he asked.

I stared up at the ceiling of my vehicle.

I heard a thud and then a woman's cry.

My fist balled tightly. "Alright." I said calmly.

"I can't hear you."

Another thud and profuse crying.

"I said alright. Where is she? I'll give you the books."

"You'll drop them off in front of the door to the address I'm sending you. If my guy says you did like you were supposed to, I'll give you the address to the girl's location and you can pick her up."

My phone vibrated and I saw the address. I hung up without another word and drove off.

The drive was around twenty minutes but I drove fast in eagerness and made the stop in thirteen.

One of Caio's goons were sat in a car parked outside. I wasn't getting out. I'm not an errand boy. I honked the horn.

He got out and walked to my window. I rolled it down and handed him the books. He looked at them and flipped through the pages before taking his phone and dialing.

"He delivered them." he stated. "Yes, sir." He hung up the phone then gave me a nod and walked back to his car.

My phone vibrated. It was a new address. I quickly reversed out of the driveway. My brakes are gonna be dangling off the vehicle by the time I'm done driving 100mph.

I arrived and the building had an empty parking lot.

I still got out and walked towards the door.

It was a small luxury garage, but all of the cars were gone. I only saw the bright white lights on the ceiling that made me wince and the lines on the floor splitting up the parking spots.

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