Chapter 9: Coffee and Curse Words

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We arrived at Maria's and...
It was a cafe.

He'd made us stop at a cafe?

"Get out," he commanded.
It would be nice to receive a 'please' from this man. Just once.

But I got out anyway.

We walked inside and I stood next to him in line.

He was getting stares.
I couldn't tell if it was from how intimidatingly handsome he is, or just the fact he's intimidating in general.
I looked up at him.
He was facing forward with a mean look on his face and his hands in his pockets. He always looked like he wasn't in the mood. Like if this store was sold out of what he wanted, he'd kill the cashier.

"Next," called the girl at the register.
I faced forward and took the step to the counter as did my boss next to me.

"What do you want?" he asked.
I looked at him.
He wasn't looking at me, he was looking at his wallet as he opened it.
"Me?" I questioned.
"You don't have to get me anything," I told him.
"Answer." he commanded.

He's demanding and stubborn. I forget.

"A vanilla latte...please." I answered.
"You hear that?" he asked the barista.
She nodded as she looked at him then began typing on the keypad.
She looked scared.

"Mr. De Luca..." I called him.
He looked at me from the corner of his eye.
"Don't be so mean," I whispered.
He just stared at me.
"She's afraid of you. Be nicer," I said gently.
He looked back at her. His eyebrows furrowed like he was trying to understand her and read her mind.
"And a black coffee," he added.
I nudged him gently.
When I looked up at him, I watched him roll his eyes.
"Please." he stated.
"Yes, sir," she replied with a grin.
"See." I whispered.

We were given the total and Mr. De Luca paid before we went to stand at the other end of the counter to wait.

"Do you always wake up this early?" I asked him.
"Do you not like talking?"
He looked at me.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to be rude. You just never seem to have much to say. Then again maybe I'm just not someone you want to talk to."
"You speak often," he stated.

I stopped talking and just stood there.

"It's not a bad thing," he explained.
I looked at him.
He was facing forward with his hands in his pockets like always.

"Vanilla latte and a black coffee," said the barista.
"Thank you," I grabbed them both and handed Mr. De Luca his.

I followed behind him on the way out.

"Now where do we go?" I asked once we got in the car.
"I have a meeting," he stated. "Home." he told the driver.
"Yes, sir."

The meeting is at his home?

I sat back and just stared out of the window for the entire ride.

"Where's your friend?" Mr. De Luca asked.
"Oh, I forgot to tell her the plan to just bring her with me, and I felt like it was too last minute to tell her in the morning, so I decided I'd bring her tomorrow and tell her later. She's off tomorrow anyway."

"Mr. De Luca." I called.
He looked at me and I looked at him.
"I might regret this later and I know it's only my second day, but I don't feel like I'm being a very good assistant. I've hardly done anything but count money."
He faced forward. "Patient," he replied dryly.
"Patience? Is it coming?"
He didn't respond.

I sat back and just took a deep breath.
I always thought it would be cool to get paid to do nothing, but I actually feel bad. I feel like I'm stealing.

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