Chapter 29: Jewelry Jewelry Jewelry

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"Where are we going now?" I asked as I got back in the car with Mr. De Luca. We'd just finished eating lunch. The entire ordeal was in complete silence. All I could hear was the paper from our sandwiches or the water bottles lightly crumbling under our grip when we drank.

I got in kind of late last night after being with Josh so I was still pretty sleepy even though it was past noon.

"Drive, Mike." he replied.
I guess I'll see when we get there.

We'd been sitting in the vehicle in silence for fifteen minutes as Mike drove.

"You look tired." Mr. De Luca finally spoke up.
"Yea, I am a little bit."
"Get in late last night?"
"A little past midnight. The movie was longer than we thought it would be."

Mike pulled into a jewelry store parking lot.

"Oh..." I said as I looked at the building.
This was one of the most expensive brands. I wondered what we were here for. Maybe he needs a new watch.

"Get out." Mr. De Luca commanded once Mike stopped the car.

I got out as told. Never a 'please'. This relationship wouldn't work out.

We both walked inside. There were women and men buying jewelry with the help of some professionals behind the counter.

"Ahhh, Marco!" the man cheered with a smile.
He had his arms out and walked towards us.

"And who is this lovely lady?" he asked me.
"I'm Zoe."
"Hello, Zoe. I am Emiliano. Em is fine."
"It's nice to meet you," I smiled.
"And it is nice to meet you too. You're so sweet." He looked at Mr. De Luca. "Polar opposite of you." he told him.
Mr. De Luca rolled his eyes then walked towards a room in the back of the store.

Em and I both followed.

We got inside and the room was lined with jewelry.

"Wooowww..." I said in awe at the golds and diamonds shimmering all throughout the room.

"So what're we looking for? I spread this all out just for your entrance. You didn't clarify. Just that you needed flashy."
"Yea, she likes flashy." Mr. De Luca said and looked around. "Give me your best option for diamond rings."
"Got it."

I stopped examining and looked at Mr. De Luca.
He was buying a diamond ring...for Viviana.

"Come here, hon." Em told me.
I was confused but walked over anyway.

"Let me measure your finger."  he said.
I stood there and watched with my hand held out.

"Okay, you're a size 8." he stated.
Hm. The more you know I guess.
He took out a ring and slid it on my left ring finger.
"This one is beautiful. Looks great on your hand and the rock is gorgeous."
Why is he trying to sell me a ring?
"Marco, take a look."
Mr. De Luca walked over. He looked at my hand.

"I don't care. She'll like whatever it is." he stated and looked at the other pieces.
Em looked at me. "You sure you wanna marry this man?"
"I'm sorry?" I asked.
"You just seem so angelic and he's...him."
"Watch it." Mr. De Luca replied.
"Oh we're not-..."
"She ain't who the ring's for." Mr. De Luca spoke up.
"Aww...really?" Em frowned.
"Yea. I'm sorry." I replied. "I'm just his assistant."
"You two looked so nice together when you walked in. I got my hopes up." he stated.
I looked at Mr. De Luca and he seemed like he wasn't listening.

I sighed and took off the ring.
"It's very beautiful though." I stated and smiled.
"Thank you, sweetheart." He smiled back.

I began looking at everything else while the men discussed rings together.

I also tried to get rid of the idea that Em said Mr. De Luca and I looked nice together.
I tried, but I was failing. I wished I could've seen us through his eyes.

My eyes landed on a diamond necklace as I thought.
It was beautiful.
"Wow..." I said aloud.
"Do you like it?" Em asked and came to me.
"Yea..." It looked so elegant and classy. Like it was only supposed to be worn to a ball.
"Would you like to try it on?"
"Oh I don't know... I don't want to accidentally break or chip anything."
He went into the glass casing and gently and slowly took out the necklace. I watched the way it shimmered.

He came from around the counter and walked behind me.
I felt the cold jewelry against my collarbone as he clipped it together.
"There we go." He adjusted the mirror so I could see.
"Wow..." I said in awe.

He took me and turned me around.
"Marco, look. Isn't she lovely?" he asked.
I looked at him.
He stared at the necklace then at my face.
"It's nice." he stated. He looked back at the ring he'd placed in the box.

I guess I couldn't hope for a better response than that. It's just a necklace anyway. I'm sure it doesn't affect anything.

"You look beautiful." said Em.
"Thank you." I smiled.

I took it off and handed it to him.

"Can I go wait in the car?" I asked Mr. De Luca. "I don't think I need to be here."
"Yea." he replied with his eyes on his phone.
I left the room. Then walked towards the front of the building and left.

I hopped in the car with Mike.

"You alright?" he asked me.
"I'm fine. Why?"
"You don't look it. That's all." he stated.

I just felt like every time I experience a bland response or reaction from Mr. De Luca, I'm reminded of my horrible attraction to men that don't care about me. Ever since my mom brought me to that realization, I've paid closer attention to Mr. De Luca's responses to me and they've been hurting more because I've noticed she was right. And I hate that she was.

The door opened and Mr. De Luca got in with a bag in his hand.

"Got everything you need?" Mike asked.
"Yea." Mr. De Luca responded. Mike drove off.

A phone began to ring.

"Lucky." Mr. De Luca called.
"Yes?" I replied.
"Look at me."
I turned and looked at him.
We looked each other in the eye as he answered his phone call.

"Speak." he told the other line.
I wished I could hear.
I also wished I knew why he was adamant on us having a staring contest during his conversation.
"Mhm. And?"
I wondered what it was about like I always do.
"Send me the address."
He hung up.

Finally, he broke the staring contest and stared ahead.

"Mike, I'm sending you an address. I want you to head over there. Quickly."
"Yes, sir."
I watched Mr. De Luca type.

"What happened?" I asked.
"It's my lucky day." he replied. "They found another safe."

Mike pulled over and put the address into the gps. He then made a u-turn and drove off at the speed of light.

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