Chapter 31: Another Wound

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"Give me a car on 35th. Hurry up." Mr. De Luca commanded on the phone.

We stood in the alleyway while he spoke and I looked down to see my hand holding his. I took it back once I realized it probably bothered him.

"Figure out who it was then call me back." he instructed.
He hung up.

I was staring at the ground while my hands fumbled with my purse.
My chin was lifted by the side of his index finger. I looked up at him while his thumb caressed my cheek.
"You alright?" he asked.
My eyes watered again. "Is Mike dead?"
I cried again. I just witnessed a murder.

I was pulled into him and I wrapped my arms around his waist as I wept.

"I'm gonna take you home and make sure you're safe for a few minutes." he stated.
I sniffed and looked up at him. "You can't spend the night again?"
He wiped my tears with his thumb.

After a decent wait, we heard loud honking and he took my hand then led me behind him.

We were about to reach further down the alleyway, to where the crime took place, but he stopped and looked at me.
"Close your eyes," he commanded.
"Don't open them until I say you can."
"How will I walk?" I asked.
He bent over then scooped me up in his arms like a bride after the wedding.
I looked at him and he looked at me. "Close them." he commanded again.
I closed them.

I could feel us walking again. I laid my head on his shoulder with one hand covering my closed eyes to make sure I couldn't see. But I did wonder why I was doing this.

I felt as I was let down and placed on a leather seat. My door was shut and another opened not too long after.

"Drive, Micky." I heard Mr. De Luca say.
Micky drives just as fast as Mike does. Did.

"You can open your eyes." he stated.
I did.
"Are you taking me home now?" I asked.
"We're stopping at the office so we can take my car. I don't want too many people knowin' where you live," he explained.
"Okay..." I replied.

We did just that.
We arrived at the office building and switched cars. This time I remembered my purse.

He drove off towards my apartment.

I wondered how often this was going to happen.

We arrived at my complex and he parked his car close to the door. We got out and walked inside.

"Do you need anything?" I asked when we entered my apartment.
I turned to look at him and immediately looked down when something caught my eye.

I looked at myself to see if a bit was on me too,
but couldn't see from my dark dress.
I began untucking his shirt from his pants.
"What're you doing?" he asked and shoved my hands away.
I looked up at him.
He looked back at me.
I continued moving his shirt.

Underneath was a bleeding wound.
"Again?" I asked, concerned.
"I'm fine." he stated.
I took his hand anyway and pulled him to the bathroom.

I got out all of the same materials as last time after making him strip off his shirt and jacket.
I began cleaning the wound.
"I wish you'd take these more seriously," I stated.
"I'm alive."
"For how long?" I asked and looked up at him.
He didn't respond as he looked back at me.
I sighed and looked back towards the wound.

I got on my knees with a set of tweezers then began reaching for the bullet.
He groaned in pain.
"I'm sorry." I stated.
My hand rested over his abs while I used the other to find the bullet.
They flexed from the pain but I stayed focus.

I finally grabbed onto it and began pulling it out. My eyes widened. This bullet was huge. I looked up at him as I wondered how he'd been carrying me around and acting unfazed all this time. This wasn't from a pistol. This bullet could easily take out a horse.
He stood there leaning against the counter with his hands on top and his head back as he breathed heavily.

I looked up his body.
He's so...
He looked down at me and I quickly started a conversation so he wouldn't think I was just staring.

"Look at this." I commanded and held up the bullet for him to see. "Do you see how long this is? Why would you tell me you're fine? Could you imagine leaving this inside?!"
I dropped it into the sink after standing straight up.
"I would've gotten it out at some point," he argued.
"I think you should see a doctor." I stated. "Soon."

He ignored me and went into my first aid kit. He grabbed onto the needle and stitching thread then undid his belt and pulled it out. He folded it once and put it between his teeth before beginning to stitch himself up like a registered surgeon.

I watched in shock. He cut the string then would start a new stitch. Then cut that one and started another. Until he had six and was finished.
He took his belt out of his mouth and placed it on the counter then began bandaging himself up.

He took a gauze dressing then placed it over the wound before grabbing the largest bandaid I had and unwrapping it then pressing it on top.

He finally finished and put everything back.

I stopped him when I gently placed my hand over the wound. Applying zero pressure. Just sad that he'd gotten hurt too. And that Mike was gone and I had witnessed it.

"I'm sorry this happened to you..." I stated.
"Won't be the last time." he said matter-of-factly.
I looked up at him. "Did I hurt you when I hugged you?" I realized.
He didn't answer but I just assumed he wanted to say yes.
"You okay?" he asked me.
"I'm okay. Are you okay?"
"Are you lying?"
"Why would I be lying?"
"Because you have a bullet wound in your stomach." I scoffed.
"I'm fine." He took my hand off his wound and held it.

"I can never trust when you say that because each time you do, you're walking around with a fresh wound." I replied.
He didn't answer. He just stared at me.
"What?" I asked. He does it so often.
He looked at my lips now.
"Your lips are pretty." he stated.
"So are yours..."
"You've told me."

I recognized the space between us closing. His hand let go of mine and held the side of my face. He finally sped up the process and put his lips on mine. He kissed me like the last time and I kissed him back although I knew I shouldn't. But it was too hard not to. He pulled me in closer and the kiss deepened. Both of his hands held my face as our heads turned in sync to kiss harder and our lips were practically trying to devour each other. It was like when you hadn't had a favorite dessert in a long time, then you finally have it again and can't get enough. You eat it quickly because you've missed the taste so much.
I incidentally breathed onto his lips and he stood straight before walking us out of the bathroom. We made it to my room and I was picked up and laid onto my bed.

His lips left mine and went to my neck instead. I could feel his tongue licking up and his lips sucking.
One hand held my waist as he kissed over my collarbone and the base between my neck and shoulder.
I felt so good. His lips came back to mine and we kissed again like we missed it because it had been too long. My hands held his face now. I liked how comforting and soft his kiss was. It's so sweet. It didn't feel like he was fighting my lips. It felt like he was agreeing with them.
He stopped and just looked at them.

"You want me to put my tongue between your legs?" he asked.
He lifted his eyes and looked at mine.
I was surprised but he looked very serious. Well, he always looks very serious.
I nodded.
"Yea..." I agreed.

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