Chapter 48: Ruined Relationships. Run.

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I finished applying my makeup and it honestly made me feel better. Sometimes makeovers after sadness are what you need.
But I felt stressed as I was getting ready.

I left the bathroom and went to my bedroom to slip on my dress.
I'd bought a satin taupe dress with a split down one leg and two thin straps. I asked Joshua how fancy the party was and he said it was a celebration for their branch having zero lost trials for the first half of the year. So it was a pretty big deal.

My dress was on and I just needed to slide on my shoes and wait for a text from Josh saying that he was outside.

"You look amazing..." Nikki complimented.
"Thank you," I smiled.
"Be safe, okay?"
She looked worried.
"Yea. I will."
"Okay. Good."

My phone vibrated. 'I'm here.' he texted.

"It's time for me to go." I told Nikki.
"Okay. Have fun. I won't be here because I'm about to go to work but be safe and call me if you need anything. I'll try to stay by the phone."
"Okay." I grabbed my phone and purse then headed out.

I made it to the parking garage and he was stopped right in front of the door.

I hopped inside.

"Wow..." he stated. "You look...great."
I looked at him. He was clean shaven and in a nice tux.
"Thanks. So do you." I said kindly.
"They're probably gonna wonder how I lucked up and got you to go with me," he joked.
I snickered as he drove off.

"So uhh...they're pretty nice people. I think you'll have a good time. Hopefully they don't talk too much about work," he stated.
"I'm just there for decoration anyway." I joked.


We arrived and Josh parked the car.

"Nervous?" he asked me.
"No, not really."
"Oh, so it's just me?" he snickered.
I laughed. "Why are you nervous?"
"I'm not sure, honestly. Maybe because it's my first dinner party with these people."
"Are they like really high class or something?"
"No, shockingly. Some of them suck. Some of them think they're better than they really are. And some are genuinely nice people. Also some hate their lives. We tend to steer clear of those."
"Well, I think it'll be fine. Just relax. I'm sure it'll go smoothly and if it doesn't then we can leave and do something else."
He sighed. "You are literally one of the best people I know." he scoffed.
"Yea well." I shrugged.
He laughed, "Come on."

We both got out of the car and walked towards the entrance.

I stood next to him, but I didn't wrap my arm in his or hold his hand. He had to remember this isn't a date. Just a friend helping out a friend.
I think the real reason he invited me was because he knew he'd be too nervous to go in alone.
I was okay with helping him through that.

"Clinton!" someone called.
That was Joshua's last name.
Josh nervously stepped forward to walk towards the man who was also coming towards him. I followed behind.

"Evening, Mr. Mayfield." Josh greeted with a smile.
The two shook hands.
"Who's this you have on your arm?" Mr. Mayfield asked.
"This is Zoe." he answered. He put his arm around my waist and I wasn't expecting that.
I would've moved, but I didn't want to embarrass him in front of what I was assuming was his boss.
"Zoe. It's nice to meet you, Zoe." Mr. Mayfield said and held his hand out for me.
"You as well." I smiled and shook it.

Some other people walked over.

"Evening," one greeted.
"Hey, man." Josh replied.
"Who's this, Clinton?" asked someone else.
"This is Zoe." he said again.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Zoe."
"Truly it is."
The two held their hands out for me and I shook them one by one as they told me their names were Will and Paul.

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