Chapter 25: Sick and Still Cute

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De Luca:

"She alright?" Mike asked and drove off.
"Yea. She was standing in the rain. I think she's gettin' a cold."
I heard him snicker.
"What?" I asked.
"You've known the girl a few days and already worried about her."
"I ain't worried. I just don't want her gettin' me sick. I got shit to do."
"Whatever you say, boss."

The ride was quiet for the next fifteen minutes as we sat through traffic. Until I had a question.

"Hey." I called.
"Yea?" Mike replied.
"Don't think too hard on it, but...say you knew someone with a cold..."
His eyes looked at me through the rear view mirror.
"What would you do?" I looked out of the window in annoyance because I knew the question sounded stupid.

"Well..." he began and I continued staring out the window. "What's my relationship with the person?"

"Just...whatever. Just tell me what you'd do." I instructed.
"Well, it varies. But I'd check in on them. Make sure they took some medicine or whatever. Ask if they need anything."
"That all?"
I didn't respond because I didn't know.


I was at the casino and sat at a table playing poker with the guys. My hand was terrible and I joked to myself that it was because she wasn't there.

One of the girls came in with drinks on a platter and began placing them down by us.
She walked off and I watched G smack her on the ass as she left.
I glared at him.

"Relax." Mike said next to me.
I looked at him.
"Her and G been havin' somethin' goin' on for months now." he explained.

"Speakin' of you hatin' assault towards women," Vinny spoke up, "didn't you backhand Dina?"
"That ain't no regular woman." I stated.
"How ain't she?"
"She got a cat between her legs."
"I've seen Dina beat up a grown man with her bare hands. She ain't no regular girl." I explained.
They didn't argue.

"Hey, on the topic of girls. Who's the arm candy you keep walkin' around with? She supposed to replace Viviana?" Mario asked.
"She's an assistant."
"What'd you get an assistant for?"
"Gabriel told me to get one. I'm supposed to make her run errands during the day so I can stay inside. But I hate not doin' nothin'. So she just follows me."
"He's still worried about your eyes, huh?"
I didn't answer.
"They gettin' any better?"
"They don't get better. They get worse." I answered.

Everybody went silent.

" it inappropriate to ask if you've hit that, yet?" Vinny asked.
The rest of the guys began murmuring. "I was wondering the same thing."
I rolled my eyes at them.
"You gotta admit the girl's attractive." G shrugged.

I wish they'd stop tellin' me shit I already knew.
I know what she looks like.

But if I slept with her, I'd have to be in a relationship.
She's too pretty to fuck and leave. And she's too nice. I'd feel like shit.
But I don't do that relationship bullshit. And I don't want her being with me while I do what I do anyway. I don't even want her knowin' I do it. She could get dragged into the fire. She don't deserve that.
So I'll look at her from far away.

I still remembered her lips though.
From the night that I blame blood loss for my actions. I must've not been thinkin' clearly. I wasn't supposed to do that shit, but she's always lookin' up at me with those fuckin' eyes and I couldn't help it.
Her lips. They're so fuckin' soft and full. If that washing machine hadn't interrupted us, I would've kept it goin' all night. Like two pillows blessing my lips. And...they taste sweet. I don't know if she's puttin' somethin' on 'em when I'm not lookin', but they taste so good.

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