Chapter 54: Pasta

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De Luca:

I walked behind her as she stared at items on the shelves and pushed the cart. I don't know why I agreed to this. I don't care much about a home cooked meal. Every time she asks me to do something, I struggle to say no.

"What kind of noodle do you prefer? Angel hair, tortellini, fettuccini, penne, I'm not really in the mood for lasagna, ravioli..."
"Get what you want." I told her.
"But it's for both of us, so I want your input too."
"I'll eat whatever you buy."
"Hm..." She looked back at the noodles.

I could tell by the look on her face, we were gonna be here for hours if I didn't just pick one.

"Penne." I stated.
"Penne? Penne sounds good." She grabbed two, one from two different brands. "But which brand?"

I rolled my eyes and grabbed one then tossed it in the cart and walked off.

I hate grocery stores, I don't wanna be here any longer than we have to be.

She caught up with me and I looked in her cart.

She'd tossed fettuccini and tortellini in there. She's funny.

"I'm gonna be really quick and get all of the other stuff and maybe some other future ingredients," she warned me.

She rolled off and the second she did, I got a phone call.
These assholes can never call me when I'm not busy.
I'm never not busy.

I answered.

"What?" I greeted.
"Found him."
"Joshua Clinton. He's 24. Record is clean. Went to Claiborne elementary and middle school. Then went to Washington High School. His dad's a former cop. Might be why his record's clean. Friends with a Dylan Mayors. Landon Prescott. Mason Mitchell. Sarah Carter. We called 'em. Dated a Kacy Morgan. Zoe Ricci. Taylor Andrews. Lily White. Called them too. Taylor and Lily broke up with him for the same creepy shit."

"He assault them?" I asked.
"No, but he did moan an ex's name in bed and apparently had a problem with comparing them to her."


I felt my jaw clench.

"And it wasn't some regular moaning shit, neither. No, he'd whimper and tear up just thinkin' about her. Callin' out her name mid fuck. Like some kind of weirdo. Must've been good pussy you leave a man like that."
"Watch your mouth, bitch." I threatened.
"I apologize."

I rolled my eyes.

"But apparently it was so bad that Taylor was actually worried about the girl. Motherfucker had a problem."


"Send me his address." I instructed.
"Anything else you need?"

I looked down the aisle and could see Lucky coming back towards me.

"I'll call you if something comes up."

I hung up.

"Hi, I think I'm done." she stated.
The cart was full.

I took her to checkout then we left and headed back to the house.

Now I had to figure out what the fuck I'm supposed to do now that she's got a fuckin' stalker followin' her around and knowin' where she lives.

I pulled into the driveway and parked before we got out and began unloading her groceries.

"Okay, are you ready?" she asked and set everything down.

I just stared at her.

"Wash your hands." she instructed.

I rolled my eyes but still walked over to the sink. I took off my jacket and rolled up my sleeves.

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