Chapter 5: Phone

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I got ready for work in a long sleeve black dress and heels that matched.

For the entire day I was nervous to get ready. To see those people again who thought I threatened them with my phone. But it was 5:30 now and I had no choice. I still needed a job.

I wondered what his issue with brighter colors was. I can understand that he doesn't want me blinding when I walk into the office, but he sounded disturbed by them. I'd have to go shopping for darker professional attire later this weekend when I'm off. I didn't currently have enough to make it a work uniform.

I grabbed my keys and walked towards the door.
I didn't need to tell Nikki I was leaving, one because she was at work as well, and two because I'd have no way of telling her anyway.

So I left and found my car in the parking garage of our apartment complex.

I arrived to the same building as before and on time.

When I walked in, I went to the lady at the front desk again.

"You're the girl from yesterday, right?" she asked.
"Yes. Do I go to the same floor?"

She did the same as the night before and picked up the phone with her eyes on me as if she didn't trust me or something.
Maybe it's because I'm new and she's skeptical. But I was here yesterday. So that doesn't make sense.

"The girl from yesterday is back. Where should I send her?" she asked and finally looked away from me. "Yes, sir."
She hung up the phone.

"He's coming down now," she told me.
"Oh. Okay then. I guess I'll just wait here."
She went back to her other work.

I looked around the building.
It was mostly men walking through the lobby. I think, besides the lady at the front desk, I'm the only woman here.

The minute I thought that, the doors opened and in came a woman dressed in designer (dark) clothes and a jacket draped over her shoulders. She was wearing sunglasses and I watched her put a stick of gum in her mouth while she walked towards the elevator. She also had a cat in her arms. Which was strange.
She was followed closely behind by two men in suits.

The elevator opened.
Out came the man I now called my boss. Mr. De Luca.

He and the woman saw each other first and she passed her cat to one of the men standing behind her before she grabbed onto Mr. De Luca's arms and spoke to him.
He leaned down a bit and she kissed both of his cheeks then pat his shoulder before walking into the elevator.

He began walking towards me.
It was better lighting.
I finally realized that...

This man was unbelievable.

I could see from his silhouette yesterday that he was tall and broad but I can see his face clearly now. I can see how chiseled and defined it is. He did have dark hair. He did have dark eyes. That wasn't just the lighting. He had a toothpick between his pretty lips and his hands in his pockets. His lips looked so soft.
He's so handsome.

He stopped in front of me.

I stood there wondering what he was going to say.

One hand went to his jacket while the other slipped inside to find a pocket. I really hoped I hadn't offended him again and made him want to pull out another gun.

Out came...

A wrapped box.

He handed it to me.
"What is this?" I asked and took it.
"Open." he commanded.
I ripped off the paper and didn't know where to put it.

The girl at the front desk lifted a trash can to me with her eyes still on her computer.

"Oh," I said in shock, "thank you." I tossed the trash in there and she put the can down then continued typing.

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