Chapter 21: Answer the Phone

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De Luca:

"Son of a bitch." I sighed as I got back in the car.
"You alright there, boss?" Mike asked.
I took a deep breath. "Yea, Mike. I'm good."
"If you say so." He began driving off.

I took out a cigarette carton and its lighter.

"Pretty girl there, ain't she?" he asked.
"Yea." I put it between my lips and began lighting it.
"She just an assistant?"
"Yea." I placed the lighter in my pocket then inhaled.
"You touch her and I'll rip out your spine." I threatened.

I stared out the window at the city lights.

"Just drive around for a bit, Mike." I instructed.
"No particular spot?"

I sat there smoking and thinking.

"How old is too old to be into somebody?" I asked Mike.
"You mean to like somebody?"
"Yea whatever."
"I don't think any age is too old. You gotta like a person to get with the person."
I didn't respond.
"Boss, you got this weird thing with thinkin' you're like fifty years old. You're only 32. You old at heart but you ain't old physically."
"I feel like it."
"That's 'cause you've been havin' to act like an adult since you was 12. You're not even middle aged, yet."

He ain't the first person to tell me that. I stopped celebratin' my birthday after 20 'cause I felt like I was gettin' old. Hard to know you ain't old if you've been an adult your whole life. I feel like I'm fifty.

"You into somebody?" Mike asked.
"Then why'd you ask?"
"I don't know."

She's just pretty. That's all.

I looked back outside the window and continued smoking my cigarette.


"See ya later, boss!" Mike said as I climbed out of the car.

I walked to my own so I could head home. I'd never let any of these assholes know where I live.

I heard some rattling in the alley between my office building and the abandoned shop next door.
My gun is loaded.

I began casually walking towards it.

I saw a few silhouettes in the darkness.

I rolled my eyes then took out another cigarette and lit it.

"You boys serious right now?" I asked after a puff.
"See your little spy is gone." said one of them.
I didn't respond. The fuck is he talkin' about?
I huffed my cigarette.
"That what she is?"
"That what who is?" I exhaled.
"The bitch you've been havin' on your arm these past two days. One of the boys that worked for our boss said some whore of yours saved you from gettin' your head blown off."
"She ain't have nothin' to do with that. Guess I'm just lucky." I took another puff.
"Whether she did or she didn't, we did some watchin'. Seems like good followed you wherever she went. The casino win. Heard you opened Mattia's safe. After struggling for weeks. It a coincidence that happened after you found her too?"

Fuckin' idiot.

"And you think she's a spy?" I questioned with a puff.
He ain't answer.
"She ain't no spy." I exhaled and leaned against the wall of my building.
"You really think we'd believe a word out of your mouth?" He started walkin' closer.
"I don't give a fuck what you do."
"If she ain't no spy then what is she?"
I stayed quiet.
"Don't answer and we'll just find her and handle it ourselves. Like I said, we been watchin' and it seem like she might know some shit she shouldn't." he reiterated.
"Won't do you no good 'cause she ain't a fuckin' spy."
"We'll just have to take that chance, won't we?" He lifted his gun to my head once he got close. "I've handled bitches for less."

I could see him better now.

This was one of Aldo's goons. Probably mad I got Mike to drive over his boss' head in a parking garage. I let the other two live just barely. Word got around. That's what I wanted.

"Anything you wanna say? Who's gonna run your guys when they find you dead?" he asked.
"Cheap shot. I murdered your boss and you're gonna let me off easy with a bullet? You can't fight?" I wondered and put the cigarette back between my lips.
He scoffed then lowered his gun and tucked it in the back of his pants.
"Atta boy. Make it fun for me." I encouraged.

He put his fists up.

"Swing." I instructed.
"Put your hands up." he commanded.
"In a little bit. Get your swing in."
He looked like he didn't trust it, but he shrugged and swung his fist into my jaw anyway.

My head turned and I took a deep breath. "Now I'm awake."

I grabbed onto his head then forced his skull into the concrete wall of the building. Again. And again. And again.
His boys began shooting and I held him up in front of me to take every bullet. He was covered in holes. They stopped when they realized and for good measure, I snapped his neck before dropping him.

I took another puff of my cigarette.

"Next." I instructed.

They put their guns back up and I dropped down to grab their friend's and my own. I moved so I wouldn't be in firing range then began shooting and hitting targets.
One succeeded in getting my shoulder, but I found him and shot a hole into his forehead.

My cigarette was all gone.

I spit it out onto the corpse next to me.

"Fuck. Now there's somethin' else I gotta worry about." I took out my phone and made a call.

"Yes, sir?" he answered.
"Pick up the mess I left in the alley between home and the old tire shop." I commanded and walked to my car.
"How many pieces of litter?"
I stopped and peaked past the corner. "Five."
"Yes, sir. It'll be gone before the next hour."
"And get somebody to do some research for me."
"Research on what?"
"A Zoe Ricci. Give me everything you got. Parents. Grandparents. Friends since elementary school. Fuck, get her teachers too."
"Yes, sir."
I hung up.

She just became a target. I knew this shit would happen. If somethin' happens to her and Gabriel finds out, my shoulder won't matter because I'll be paralyzed from the neck down.
Ain't expect them to think she was a spy though. Then again who would just assume some chick would have the power of luck. Her bein' a spy is more believable.
I hopped in my car and headed back to her apartment complex.

My shoulder was still bleeding but I didn't have a napkin to fix that problem so I just let it bleed down my sleeve.


I made it to her complex and sat back in my seat with a deep exhale. I parked my car and felt the wetness of my sleeve as I got out.

I walked to the door of the parking garage and towards her door.

My arm felt numb.

I made it to her door and began knocking.
I waited.
I knocked again.
I waited.
I knocked again.

"Answer the fucking door." I said aloud.


I took out my phone and dialed.

It rang.
And rang.
And rang some more.
And rang a bit longer.

I hung up.

"Alright." I took a step back.

I forced my foot on the door and watched it burst open.

"Next time..." I panted. "Answer the fuckin' phone."

I stepped inside and began walking around.
I found a room and flicked on a light but it was the bathroom.
I went to the room across from it.
Then opened the door.

A loud scream bursted my eardrums.
"Holy fuck..." I said and covered my ear with the one arm I could raise.

A lamp turned on.

She stood there holding a bat and standing in just a small shirt and panties.
Holy fuck...


Right. Now I have to explain.

The Lucky DobermanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora