Chapter 8: Learning New Languages

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I made it home and jogged to Nikki's room.

"Nikki!" I yelled.
I knocked on her door repeatedly.

"It's open!" she yelled.
I opened it and she and Charles were sitting on her bed and watching a movie.
Charles is her boyfriend of six years. He's a nice guy I think. Nikki is pretty into him. He's a bit of a starer. He hates the name Charles and prefers people call him Charlie.

"Nikki, guess what!" I exclaimed happily.
"Okay well, three things," I remembered.
"Go on."
I took out my new phone and showed it to her.
"Aw, cool, you got a new phone. Is that the most recent one?"
"It is! He bought it for me!"
"Your boss bought you a new phone?! Well, I guess he kind of owed you one since he let someone shoot the other one."
"That's what I said!" I agreed.

"What's the other thing?" she asked and faced me more to listen.
"Oh! Okay are you ready?"
"I'm literally staring at you right now. I am ready," she promised.
"I've been promoted!" I cheered.
"What?" she asked in a very confused tone.
"I'm just as confused as you are! But my pay went up and so have my hours. I guess he's about to get busy and needs me more often or something."
"Oh, okay. Well that's great! I'm happy to hear it," she smiled.
"That's not all!"
"Right. What else?"

I looked at Charles who was looking at me.

"Can I talk to you outside?" I asked her.
"Uhh...Sure?" She got out of bed and walked towards the door then outside and closed it.

I gestured for her to follow me into the kitchen and she did.

"What's happening?" she whispered.
"I may have gotten you a job, but only if you agree," I stated.
"My boss owns a bunch of casinos."
"Ohhh, so that's what he does."
"Yes," I agreed. "And we visited one and his manager, I'm assuming, asked me if I knew anyone who needed a job and I said no because you already had a job. Then he goes 'well tell her if she comes to work here, I'll pay her twice as much as they do over there'."
"Yea! And I can even tell my boss to make sure you're always safe while you're there."
"Wow. I mean...I don't know. That's kind of on the spot."
"I know, but it's good money and we'd practically be working together," I smiled.
" job at the boutique is going pretty well I think."
"What if you just went for a quick interview? Nothing promised, just talk to him and see how it goes and if it sounds like something you might be interested in," I offered.
"Okay, fine. What's his name? Did you get his email or something?"
"Well...his name is Scotty but I didn't get an email."
"No email?"
"No, but maybe I can text my boss and see if he has it."
"Okay, sure."
We both went our separate ways and I got on my phone to text Mr. De Luca.

'Hi, Mr. De Luca. It's Zoe. I was wondering if you had Scotty's email so I could give it to my friend. She'd like to contact him about an interview.' I sent.

I waited.

'No' he replied.
That was fast.
'Well, do you have any way I could get the two to communicate?'

I sighed at his message.
I guess it wasn't meant to be.

'Just bring her tomorrow.' he texted.
'Okay thank you, what time do you want me to show tomorrow?'
I was confused.
'I thought you wanted me to work all day now?'

I looked around in wonder.
Then it clicked.

"He wants me to be there by 7am?!" I accidentally said out loud.
I collapsed onto my bed.
It was 11:30 by the time I got home. I'd have to go to bed right this second in order to not be tired tomorrow morning, but I was still in my work clothes and makeup.

I also still had something else to do.
Hopefully he was awake.

I went to my father's contact and hit the FaceTime button.

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