Chapter 62: Don't Think He Cares

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I stared at Caio pacing back and forth through the room. I was tied to my chair but not roughly and my mouth wasn't even duct taped but something told me not to yell as he spoke to someone through my phone.

A chair was pulled out beside me and one of Caio's friends took it.

"Evening, gorgeous." he stated.

I tried to ignore him. He was scary and not old but he looked terrible for his age. I imagined he'd been stressed since he was seven. They were always in suits. Everyone. Even the guys that didn't work for Mr. Gabriel. This entire clique. I haven't seen a single one of them out of a suit. Besides Marco but only when we go to sleep.

"No point in actin' like you can't hear me when-..." a gun shot went off and the man's head was thrown back.

I sat there panting in shock. Then looked at Caio who had walked closer.

"Was that guy bothering you?" he asked me. He pushed the man's body out of his chair then took a seat.

He sat across from me and we just stared at each other.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked.
"No one important. I think a friend of yours. Her name is Nikki, right?"

I ignored him and just looked around the room.

"I can see why Viviana is threatened by you..." he stated.

I looked back at him. I didn't think she was.

"You are absolutely beautiful," he claimed.
"She's beautiful." I replied.
"She has a good doctor." he argued.

I looked away from him again. Now I was picturing Viviana's face and trying to see if I could recognize any surgeries.

"You're awfully quiet for a girl who's been kidnapped..." he smirked.
"I know I won't be here long." I replied. Marco didn't take lightly to when I was yelled at, I didn't think he'd be too keen on me being kidnapped and brought to some strange building. There was no use in me panicking. It was like I had my own personal superhero. I just needed to sit back and wait.
"I think you won't be here forever. But I do think you might be here a while." he stated.

I knew that wasn't true. I had a feeling that told me otherwise.

"While I have you here..." He went into his suit jacket and I watched him place a red leather covered notebook onto the table. "I'd like to ask you for a favor."
I stared at him and then at the book.

He sighed.
"You know...I honestly believed he wouldn't take long as well. But after hearing what he had to say about'll take him a while before he realizes that you being gone is a problem. And then he'll finally step up to play Prince Charming and you can go on your merry way, gorgeous." he smiled kindly.
"What did he have to say?" I wondered.
"Just that me taking you didn't really matter because you were just a means to get things done. Something like that."

I scoffed and continued looking away.

"You don't believe me." he noticed. He almost sounded saddened by my disbelief in him. Like me possibly calling him a liar hurt his feelings.

I didn't respond.

I could see from the corner of my eye that he went into his pocket and began pressing buttons on his phone.

His phone was placed on the table and I looked at it. It was about to play a voice memo.

"Life would get real hard if that pretty assistant of yours that you're clearly fuckin' every now and then goes missin', wouldn't it?" I could tell it was Caio's voice.

I heard a chuckle. "Weak threat." That was Marco's voice. "I don't give a fuck what you do with her. I'm only with her so I can get shit done easy. After the wedding, you can have her."

I felt my heart dropped.


"I heard what you can do. What you've been doing."

I looked back at Caio with wet eyes.

"I know about the casino, and the safes, and you saved his life and all this other shit that he uses you like a four leaf clover for and honestly I thought it was all bullshit. A person cursed with luck? That's not real. But the more I paid attention...When I noticed he hadn't found a single safe until he hired you. Now he just knows where all three of them are. Now he knows how to open them? The indestructible safes that can't be broken or tampered with. He meets you and all of a sudden shit he's been searching for, for years, is in the palm of his hand? That's...strange."

I sniffed and tried to keep my tears down.

"Why do you think I'm being so gentle with you, hm? Because I know what you've been through with him. He kisses you and hugs you, tells you that you are so goddamn pretty, which is true, just so you can become glued to him and help him find the things he wants. Not because he cares about you. Have you met him? The guy hasn't shown an emotion in decades. He doesn't care about anything."

My tears leaked without me trying.

He leaned in closer to me and I looked in his eyes.

"He married another woman. A woman he knew for years before you. A woman he fucked, kissed, hugged...and you saw how he treats her. Terribly. He's known you for what? A few months? And you think he's fallen for you? I don't think he's capable. He's fallen for what you can do for him...maybe." I tried to avoid his gaze because him being able to look me in my eyes while he said those words made them feel more likely to be true. I stared at the red leather on the book instead. "In a day, or two, when things start going to shit, he'll realize that he needs you and he'll give me what I want without me having to put a hand on you. Just so he can have some of that luck back."

He stood up. "Maybe he'll be here tomorrow. If he notices by then."

He cut the rope to my chair. I watched him stand up and walk towards the door.
"I'll be back later. I encourage you to read some of that and try to tell me what you come up with. If you can''s okay. But I'd like to see you try."
He left me with a corpse on the floor bleeding from the bullet wound in its forehead. I cried quietly from his words.
But I still opened the book.

The code was a bunch of shapes this time.
I didn't pay attention very long before my tears erupted out of my face.

I should've known.

I should've recognized sooner. He'd take me with him everywhere that was dangerous and say that he might need me. He made me introduce myself to his father and all they talked about was my 'gift'. I was never given a normal assistant job besides counting money. Why didn't I know? Why did I trick myself into thinking otherwise?

I forgot.

My type is men who don't care about me.

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