Chapter 46: Cheating

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De Luca:

I sat there on my phone talking to one of the guys.

"I need you to be a groomsman for the wedding." I stated.
"Alright. What am I supposed to do?" Elmo asked.
"I don't know."
"Then how do you know you need me?"
"Lucky told me I needed it."
"I know you gotta get fitted for some suit."
"Alright. When is that?"
"I look like a tailor?"
"No, sir. I just..."
"I'll get her to let you know when she gets back."
I hung up.

He was the third asshole I'd called about that and I don't even know how many of them I'm supposed to have but I figured that was enough.

My door was knocked on.

No one told me they were coming.

"What?" I asked and leaned back in my seat in curiosity.

The door opened and Viviana walked in and shut it behind herself.
She came and sat next to me.

"What do you want?" I asked.
"I'm stressed." she whined.
I just stared at her.
"With the wedding!" she added.
I didn't ask.

And what is there for her to be stressed about? Lucky's been doin' everything. She should be the one here askin' me to rub her feet while she plans an extravagant wedding in two months. Instead she's worried about me eating.
Too nice.

I still didn't respond to her.
"What if it doesn't turn out as planned?" she asked me.
I just rolled my eyes in silence.
"Did you plan our honeymoon?"
"What honeymoon?" I questioned.
She looked offended. "The vacation we go on together as newlyweds!"
"I know what the fuck a honeymoon is. Who said we were gettin' one?"
"You don't wanna go on a honeymoon with me?" she asked and began fixing my collar.
I moved her hand.
"You've been so distant with me since the engagement. Are you stressed too?"
She crawled into my lap and faced me.
"Get off of me." I instructed.
"Why so bitter, baby? Did I do something wrong?"
I prepared to shove her off then she lowered her face and put our lips together.

The second she did, the door opened.
"Guess what I-...!"

I pushed Viviana off of me and looked towards the doorway.

Lucky stood there with a bag and a box of pizza in her hands.
She looked down at the box in her hands.
"Lucky..." I called.
She bent down and put the pizza box on the floor before hurrying off.

"What's her problem?" Viviana asked and grabbed my hand.
My hand instinctively found her throat without me thinking about it.

My grip tightened.
I felt her slapping at my forearm and I didn't care. I held her there with my hand closing, feeling her struggling to breathe.

I finally looked at her eyes rolling back.
"You don't step foot in my office unless I call for you. You understand me?"
"Y...e...s..." she replied.

I let her go then walked to the doorway. I picked up the pizza and set it on the table outside of my office.

"I'll tell my father what you did to me!" she shouted.
She truly believes her father sparks more fear in me than I do him.

I didn't care enough to argue with her. I just went to the elevator.

I made it to the lobby and looked around for her.
I walked to the girl at the front desk whose name I never cared enough to learn.
"Where is she?" I asked.
"Ran through those doors," she replied and kept typing.

To this day I never know what the fuck she's typing on that computer but she always does it.
I don't care to ask because she still gets her job done.

I walked out the door and looked in every direction but not without wincing from the sunlight burning my pupils.
"Fuck..." I groaned.

I squinted throughout the parking lot and noticed her car was gone.

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