Chapter 61: Where's Lucky?

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De Luca:

I sat in an office with Stefano while everyone ate and danced at the reception. I was surprised he pulled me in here. I didn't expect him to want to give me the answers so soon.

"Don't waste my time." I instructed.
"I just wanted to see if you preferred receiving them by hand, by email, fax or..."
"Are you fuckin' with me right now, Bianchi?"
"Well, no..."
"You ain't got it with you right now?"
"No, but-..."
"Then why the fuck am I here?"
"I just...wanted to schedule a time for when you'd want it." he replied like a dunce.
"I'll pick it up tomorrow." I stated and stood up to leave.


I looked at him.

"I just...uh..."
"What part of 'don't waste my time' are you not understandin'?" I questioned honestly.
"Viviana de Luca has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" he asked me.


"Are you done?" I replied.

His phone went off and he looked at it.

"I'll give you the answers later, once this party is over. You can come with me and I'll give them to you." he stated.

There was something off about his random change of heart. I never trust that ugly bastard.

"Alright." I replied and walked towards the door.

I reached for the handle and stopped.

"And Stefano?" I called.
"It would be wise for you to not fuck with me over this."
"Yes, sir..."

I opened the door and walked out.

Now to go find who I actually wanted to talk to.

"Hi, my love." And it ain't her.

I looked at her in front of me.

"Aren't you happy? It's our wedding day and you haven't even cracked a smile." she stated.
"Yea, I'm fuckin' ecstatic."
"Where are you heading off to?"

To find the woman that had the audacity to stare me in my eyes with my dick in her mouth and swallow everything then walk off. If we didn't have to be a part of this wedding shit, I would've left her weeping and paralyzed. Thinkin' how she's only done it for me is makin' my dick hard.

"Marco?" Viviana called and snapped me out of it.
"What were you thinking about?" she asked.
I didn't answer. I tried walking past her but she grabbed my wrist. I looked at her and she swung her arm around my neck. "When do we leave for the honeymoon? I wonder what you have planned."
I moved her arm. "Nothin'."
"Nothing?" she questioned and was obviously offended. "What do you mean 'nothing'?"

"I mean nothing." I walked off and this time she didn't pull me back. The woman is blind if she really thinks I wanted to be married to her in the first place.

I walked into the dining hall and my eyes scanned the room while I looked for her. I saw everybody walking around drinking and talking, but I didn't see her. There were a few guys smoking cigarettes so I figured she must've gone outside because of her asthma.

I left and walked out of the building.

She wasn't by the front door so I walked around and looked for her in the dark. I didn't find her.

What the fuck?

I walked back inside.

"Where's Lucky?" I asked Elmo.
"No clue." he stated.
I walked around the dining hall. "Have you seen Lucky?" "Where's Lucky?"

I asked, but nobody had an answer.

"Marco..." my father called and stood next to me after hearing my yelling.
"Yes, sir?"
"Why are you yelling?"
"I can't find Lucky."
"Did you try outside?"
"No one saw her go to the bathroom?"
"No." I continued scanning the room.
"Marco, listen to me carefully."

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