Chapter 18: Food Court Fight

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We arrived at the mall and got out.

I hadn't been here in forever and it felt nice to return home.
I looked at Mr. De Luca as he got out of the car with his sunglasses on. I was going to look like I either had a bodyguard, or we'd just left a funeral.
Or both.

I walked towards the door and Mike drove off to go wherever.
I turned around and could see how unamused Mr. De Luca looked with the idea of this.

"We don't have to go in if you don't want..." I offered as he came closer.
He stopped in front of me.
"We're here already," he stated.
He opened the door and held it for me. I walked through to head inside.

I'd make sure I went as quickly as possible so that I wouldn't feel bad for making him do something he so clearly didn't want to do.
I remembered all of the stores that sold nice workplace attire and walked in the direction of the first.

He followed behind.


"Do you think this is appropriate?" I asked and held up the fifth dress I'd found.
He was unenthusiastically holding the rest.
"I do not care, Lucky," he replied.
I looked at it.
It was more professional than what I had on. I threw it onto his arms.

"Mr. De Luca..." I called as I went through another rack and he stood next to me.
"What's your father's name?"
"Oh." I put a black top over his arms as well.

"Hm...I think that's everything. I've circled the store three times." I stated. "Do you need anything? They have a men's section."
"Your suits do look really nice. I doubt you get them from places like these." I pointed out. "Come on."

He didn't respond and just followed me to the checkout line.

"Mr. De Luca..." I called again. Then wondered if he gets tired of me saying his name.
"Hm?" he replied.
"What was that book you brought Mr. Stefano?"
"Something somebody I knew wrote. Can't read it. Hoped he could."
"Is it in a different language?"
"No. English. It's just in code."
"Do you think I could try?" I asked and looked at him.

He stared straight ahead.

"Next in line!" called a cashier.
We walked to the counter.

"Yea." I heard.
I looked back at him.
"You can try." he agreed.

I was shocked he accepted but I was also excited. I figured it would be something in regards to the secret life they all live in the shadows. If I could decipher it, I'd learn more about them. Maybe. I hoped so. I assumed if I asked Mr. De Luca I wouldn't get any answers out of him, or else he would have already told me.

"156.27." said the cashier.
I watched him slide his card into the machine.

"Are you hungry?" he asked as he typed in his pin.
"A little..."

"Here's your bag. Have a nice day." said the lady after she put my receipt inside.
I took it and turned around to see Mr. De Luca already halfway out of the store.
I walked quickly to catch up.


"Can I ask a personal question?" I asked as I mixed up my salad.
"If I can ask you one," he dealt.
"You have a question to ask me?" I was shocked.
"Okay! Go ahead."
"Why are you eating rabbit food?"
I looked down at my salad.

"Well...I wasn't in the mood for anything greasy and the line at the sandwich place was too long."
He didn't respond.
"When you get married, since I'm your assistant-..."
"Get married to who?"
"I'm not marrying Viviana." he stated.
"But you-..."
"I'm not marrying Viviana." he repeated.
I didn't expect him to be so sassy about it.

I poked at my salad with my fork then took a bite.

I looked across from me and noticed he didn't have anything.

"You're not eating again? Do you want me to get you something? You can have some of my salad if you want." I offered.
"I'm fine."
"No, it's a little past the average lunchtime and you haven't eaten."
"I'm not hungry," he stated.
I looked around for a place he might want.

What's a food that large scary men like to eat?


I looked ahead at the burger place in the food court.

"Do you want a burger?" I asked and got up to walk over there.
My wrist was grabbed. I looked down at him.
"Sit and finish your food. I will eat later." he swore.
I sighed. "I just don't think it's healthy. As your assistant, isn't it my job to get you lunch?"
"If I asked. I ain't ask. Sit down."
I went back to my seat after he let go of my wrist then continued eating my salad.

"Where are we going after this?" I wondered.
"My office. I got a meeting to attend."
"Will you eat at the meeting?"
"Lucky." he called.
I got up and went the other way so that he couldn't stop me.

I walked the long way around the food court until I got to the burger place then my phone began to ring.

I read the 'Boss' contact.

I answered.
"Hello?" I greeted. I turned around to look at him. He wasn't even facing me. He just knew I wasn't in my seat and that's what he didn't like.
"Sit down before I throw your food away." he threatened.
"I will not move from my spot in this line until you tell me what you want from this restaurant."
"I don't want anything from that restaurant."
"I can go to a different one if you prefer something else. Thai. A sandwich. Mexican. That chicken tender place with the really good toast."
"Lucky, come here and sit down."
"Tell me what you want. I am not budging and I know you won't leave me here."
"You don't know that," he argued.
"Fine then leave me here."
He didn't move.

"I can very easily lift you." he mentioned.
"And I can very easily scream about how the large man is kidnapping me in the middle of the food court."
"Are you fuckin' serious?"
"Yes, sir, I am." I grinned.
The other line went silent. I waited patiently.

"I hate onions." he said then hung up.
I smiled to myself then got in line.


I'd gotten his food and drink then walked back to the table.

"I'm deducting your pay." he stated.
"You can't do that!" I said and sat back down.
"Eat your salad."
"Eat your burger."
"You're holding up time."
"We would've been gone by now if you hadn't been so bratty and just told me what to get you from the beginning."
He didn't respond.
"Eat your burger or I'll scream."
"I hate you."
"That's not true."
"I do not like you."
"You like me a little bit."
"I also got you a cookie." I smiled.
He took out the cookie then broke it in his hand.
I couldn't help but laugh. He's dry but he's also somehow dramatic.

I still watched him open his plate and grab a fry then look away as he ate it.
I giggled and continued eating my salad.

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