Chapter 37: Tears and Threats

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De Luca:

"Nobody knows where he is. Just that him and his boys are back and I bet they're lookin' for the same thing you are." said Lorenzo.

I sat in my seat with my arms laying on the rests and a cigarette between my lips and my eyes staring at its ashtray.

"Anybody seen him?" I asked.
"He left a message for daddy." Viviana spoke up.
I lifted my eyes to look at her.
"My father looks to you for safety away from him. It was a letter. In the mail. And it basically read that daddy can't run because he's back. It's not in his handwriting though and there was no return address. No idea where he is. Just know that it's here."
"Does your father know?" asked Diego.
"My father ain't the one I should ask. This a job for someone else." I pushed my cigarette into the ashtray.


The meeting ended and I stepped out of my office after the guys. Viviana was on a phone call still inside with her father.

I looked to the side for her and she was sitting in a chair against the wall with my phone in both of her hands.

"Lucky." I called.
She turned and looked at me.
Her eyes were damp and a bit puffy.
I gotta stop lettin' her answer the phone, but she's alway askin' for shit to do.

"Hi..." she greeted softly.
"Hi," I walked over to her with my hands in my pockets. "What happened?"
She stood up and handed me my phone back with a sniff.
"Mr. Stefano called," she began. "He told me to tell you that if you want what you're bargaining for, you'd put me back on the street corner you found me at and propose to his daughter..." she sniffed. "He said...He said need to fire me because I was an insolent whore who was ruining his family's future but I didn't mean to." She began crying again. "I forgot. I hadn't meant to-..."
"Shut up, come here." I pulled her into me and her arms wrapped around me while she cried.
I'm gonna shoot that prick in his nuts.

I hate seein' her cry. It's like punchin' a puppy. This is what I mean when she asks me why I'm violent. These assholes don't care about your feelings. They don't give a fuck if you cry. If they do somethin', you gotta knock their teeth out for them to realize they crossed a line.

I looked down at her and she looked up at me.
I wiped her tears as she sniffed and attempted to stop shedding more.
"Don't listen to him, alright?"
She looked away from me and I could tell she already believed what he said. I brought her face back to me.
"I'm serious."
She nodded.

"Well, isn't this cute?" Viviana said as she stood in my office doorway.
I ignored her and finished wiping Lucky's eyes. She moved my hand and backed away from me. I took it because I knew why.

"Is your father home?" I asked Viviana.
"Yes, why?"
"Don't worry about it."
"He sounded upset with you. Said you were...making mistakes."
I saw her look at Lucky and Lucky just stared at the floor.
"I asked you one question and the answer was all I wanted to hear from you." I told her.
She looked back at me. "Fine."

Her arm wrapped around my neck and she pressed our lips together. I looked at Lucky and she was already looking at me. She turned and walked towards the bathroom.
I grabbed Viviana's jaw and pulled it away from me.
"Can you stop being a petty bitch for five minutes?" I grunted.
"You don't want to kiss your fiancée goodbye?" she asked.
I pushed her jaw away. "Get out of my building."

She stood there in shock.
"Are you fucking serious?!"
I didn't respond. I just looked towards the bathroom waiting for Lucky to walk out.
"You just met that weak bitch and I've been here for years! When you stop thinking with your dick you'll realize who actually gives a fuck about you. Won't be her when she finds out what you do in your spare time and what you're capable of." She walked off towards the elevator.

I walked towards the bathroom.

I knocked on the door. "Lucky."
I didn't hear anything.
"Lucky, open the door." I instructed and knocked again.
She opened it and I looked at her.
"I'm sorry." she stated.
"Stop apolo-..."
"Don't tell me to stop apologizing. I basically ruined your plans and you're supposed to be engaged to another woman and I had the audacity to start to like you even though I knew you were supposed to be someone else's husband. I got in the way of whatever you and Viviana have because I acted on my emotions and that wasn't fair to either of you and I'm sorry. I will apologize to her tomorrow. Can I go on my lunch break please?"

I didn't know what to say. How do I respond to that? What the fuck? I don't think I've been sincerely apologized to in my entire life. Except when some asshole tried to kill me but he just said it so I wouldn't kill him.
She didn't even need to apologize. It's not even a real marriage. What the fuck is wrong with this girl?

"Yea." I replied. "You can go to lunch."
She walked past me and headed towards the elevator.

Now I had to go visit the prick who keeps forgetting his place.


I got to Stefano's home and rang the doorbell.

I took my suit jacket off while I waited and began rolling up the sleeves to my shirt.

The door opened and I tossed my jacket to the butler.

Stefano was coming down the stairs.

"Marco. I didn't expect to see you." he stated.
I didn't respond. I just stood there with my hands in my pockets.
He walked towards me. "Is everything all right?"
I grabbed him by his shirt and held him pinned up to the nearest wall.

"Woah! Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah!" he shouted.
I just stared at him.
"What's goin' on, pal?"
"You dialed my assistant and called her a insolent whore?" I questioned.
I slammed him back against the wall and heard him groan.
"So now you're sayin' she's a liar?"
"I just...I didn't...she just..." he stuttered. "She was getting in the way and I was afraid you'd forget our deal."
I threw a right hook into his face before pushing him against the wall again.
"If I forget that shit or don't, you don't speak to my employees like you're above them." I stated. "You are the ground they walk on." I punched him again and pulled his face back towards me.
He stared at me with a bleeding lip and a bruised cheekbone.
"You've shown me you've forgotten your place. You are nothin' but the dirt beneath my shoe. And you, the filth you are, have the audacity to rush me and threaten and insult my employee? I will rip out your throat with my teeth, you arrogant fuck." I spit in his face.

He stood there with his jaw quivering.
"She's..." he sniffed. "I saw...the way you look at her...I was just nervous..."
"And look where that got you. A bleeding lip." I punched him again.
His eyes were filled with tears just like he did Lucky. "P-Please...Just marry my daughter. She asked me to make it happen and you got no idea how much it'll hurt to not give her what she wants. Since she was a baby I told her I'd give her anything. Please."
This is the weirdest fucking plea I've ever gotten.
"You meddle in my life again and I will tear out your spleen." I threw him onto the floor and pressed my foot on the side of his face before unrolling my sleeves.
"I'm gonna call you later and you're gonna apologize to my assistant. If you don't answer the phone, an engagement will be the least of your worries." I stated and buttoned my cuffs.
He cried under my shoe.
"Tell me you understand." I instructed.
"I understand." he said through sniffles.
"Atta boy." I removed my foot and kicked him in his throat before I walked to the door, taking my jacket from the butler, and left.

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