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(Mason's pov)

I had finished getting washed up, I look in the mirror. I sigh, i go out. I hear Violet, being all mad with Jayden. She's been real moody lately. is she pregnant? Is she...possessed again???!?!?!? Once Violet walks away, I walk over to Jayden. 

Mason: Why was Violet, yelling at you?

Jayden: Just something small, i think it's...that time.

Mason: She's been moody lately what is wrong with her? is she pregnant?

Jayden: What no, Violet is the hugest virgin i've ever seen!

Mason: Well then what's wrong with her Jayden?!?! I'm worried.

Jayden: Violet's slowly becoming a woman...She might bleed for a few days, which is normal, she's not dying. she's just gonna grow a not different then we boys do. i mean, i'm a boy, your a boy, we understand each others puberty. 

Mason: Well...about that...

Jayden looked at me.

Jayden: What do you mean?

Mason: Jayden....last year.....your thoughts...

Jayden took a moment to process what i said. but then his eyes lit  up in realization. Jayden looked at me.

Jayden: won't like're not a timid little boy....

I look at him. 

Jayden:...because you're a timid little girl..

I smiled.

Mason: Yeah, i'm a timid little girl, not a boy.

Jayden hugged me.

Jayden: Thank you for telling me this.

I hug Jayden back.

Jayden: it still Mason or...something else.

Mason: Mason's also a girl name so, i'm sticking with it.

Jayden: Alright and...she/her?

Mason: Oh! She/they!

Jayden: She/they, got it!

Mason: So you support me?

Jayden: Of course, If i didn't, that'd be ridiculous!

I hug Jayden tighter. 

Jayden: Mason, i can tell you are grow up and be a pretty girl. i can just tell.

Mason: I don't look like one though...

Jayden looked at me. He cupped my face.

Jayden: I don't see anything masculine about you!

Mason: But...but

Jayden put his finger on my lips.

Jayden: Shhhh! you are a girl! you look like a very nice girl to me!

I smile. 

Mason: What would i do without you Jayden?

Jayden: I don't know, hopefully something good.

I smile, Jayden's my biggest support right now. I love him, he's my best friend.

Carol (Based on True EventsWhere stories live. Discover now