get rid of the board.

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(Violet's Pov)

I grabbed the board. I heard Jayden and Mason were in Mason's room, i walk in and see what they were doing.

Jayden: Hey Vi...


Violet:...Is that my bra?

Jayden: you wanna tell her?

Mason:...Violet...the reason...we stole one of your bras..and we're...putting tissues in it...and putting it on me is because...because...

I wait paitently for Mason to speak. 

Mason: I'm transgender....

I smile softly. I hug her tightly. 

Violet: I support you

Mason hugs me back.

Violet: Do you have a new name?

Mason: Nope, still Mason, and she/they!

Violet: okay, thanks for telling me, and you dont need to use tissues in the bras, it's not a sports bra.

Mason: If it was a sports one?

Violet: then yeah, but anyway, get your shirt on and lets go.

Before i exit, I look at Jayden.

Violet: Mason grabbed my bra not you right...????

Jayden: don't worry i shouldn't be grabbing the stuff, i only touched the tissues.

Violet: Okay.

I go and wait for them. once they come out we get on out bikes, Malina was on the back of mine. we go into the woods. I take a large hammer out of my backpack. I smash the board with it. I then give the board to Jayden. Jayden throws the board into the river. We get back on our bikes. 

Violet: Let's go stop Carol..

Carol (Based on True EventsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum