What if I like trouble?

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All Might glanced at the photographers and then back at her, "Jump in my arms."

"What for?" She asked.

"Just do it, trust me."

She jumped into his arms and hooked one hand under her knees and the other firmly around her torso. With out warning, he shot off into the sky to escape the paparazzi. She screamed a little, she was ashamed to admit but then she looked up at him, clinging to him for safety. 

"Give me a warning next time." She shouted over the wind. 

All Might only chuckled and flew over the tall buildings of Tokyo in the morning chill of the air. The sky was beautiful, the sun had just finished rising and all the vibrant colors had turned pale to make way for the blue sky ahead. the sun reflecting off the water shined like diamonds and the clouds were parting for the sun. 

When he landed, they were in their favorite park, too deep into the trails for the paparazzi to find them. He set her back on her feet and they decided to start training right away. 

"How are your fighting skills, Firefly?" He asked. 

"I'm a bit rusty." She shrugged. She wasn't lying, she wasn't the best fighter now. The last fight she had was in a bar and she didn't want to think back on that. All Might just gave her a nod and took his fighting stance. Haru looked at him as if he were nuts, "Very funny, All Might."

"I mean it, let's go."

"That isn't a fair fight, I am a rabbit compared to your building shaped body."

"I always tell my students  that most fights out there aren't fair, you have to learn how to take down enemies twice your size."

Haru sighed unhappily, in the back of her head she wondered if this would ruin their relationship but giggled when she realized that it just might make things more fun. She rolled her eyes and took her fighting stance, she would be sore tonight, she just knew it. 

All Might threw a punch and she dodged it, "Quirks or no quirks?"

"No quirks right now. I need to see how good your hand to hand combat is without it." He lunged at her and he grabbed her by the neck, forcing her down to the floor. Haru looked up at him, trying to hide a smile, "Stop smiling." He said, trying to hide his own. "I just defeated you in one move. You have to be more-OOF!" While he was talking, she had brought up her leg to push him onto the lawn and his hand leaving her neck. She leabed over him, "Never let your guard down, Smiley Boi." She said playing with his abs. 

All Might blushed, feeling her hands on his torso. He thought fast and pushed her off of him, her body tumbling over his head and the flat of her back meeting the ground with a thud. "Damn." She got up fast, the fight wasn't over. Both of them circled each other, a hint of playfulness in the air as they did. Haru launched herself at him but he caught her by the waist, he held her so tightly that she couldn't move. "What the?!"

"Try and get out of this one, Haru." He looked down at her with a smug look. Oh she hated that look, even now that they were together, she still despised that smirk. She closed her eyes, thinking quickly of what she could do while struggling in his arms to throw him off. she quickly brought her legs up, almost pushing off the air to jounce him off balance. it worked, he fell flat on his back. 

"Ohhhoo!" He grunted out. "You knocked the wind out of me!" He let her go and she rolled off of him. Haru sat beside him, "You okay? Did I win the fight?" She asked. 

"Yeah." He groaned, lifting himself up to sit. "You did better than I expected." He looked over at her and she had a smug look on her face. "Stop giving me that look."

"What look?" She asked, shrugging her shoudlers. 

"You know what look. I don't like that look."

"You give me that look too. Don't start."

"I do not." His eyes widened, looking a bit offended. 

"You just did it while we were fighting, Mr. I am the strongest man alive!"

""I did nothing of the sort!"

"That's it!" She pounced on him and they started play fighting until they were both out of breath. "Had enough of me yet?" 

"Never." He grabbed her and held her close, his hand on the small of her back, pulling her closer against him. "I think I have to stop training you."

"What? Why?" She looked at him alarmed and almost sad. 

"Because if all our training sessions end up like this." He nuzzled her cheek with his nose. "Then we're in alot of trouble."

"What if I like trouble?" She flirted. He hummed in response, he liked that reply. 

"We'll see how much trouble you can handle." he flirted back. 

"If its anything like your fighting, then I'd say I can handle it." she inched her lips closer to him, the lure growing more and more irresistable. His lips brushed against hers before he took a long and sweet kiss from her lips that tasted like honey. "Maybe you're right." She said. 

"I think I have a better idea." He smiled. "How about you meet my class tomorrow? You can train with them."

"You'd let me meet your class?" She asked. She felt honored that he would allow her to meet the students she knew that he adored. 

"Yes, They would be thrilled to meet Light Show."

"I would love to meet the class." She said. All Might stood up and took his fighting stance once again, ready for another rond. She rooled her eyes, smiling as she stood from the ground doing the same. 

"For now, you will just have to put up with me."

"Yeah, I'm an expert at that, jerk."


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