Have We Met?

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of suicide. 

A couple weeks had gone past and Haru got bored of staying in her room, she took it upon herself to clean certain rooms in the building such as the lounge and offices. She didn't expect anything from it, she just had to do something since she wasn't able to drink. Every time CentiPeter passed her as she cleaned, he didn't say a word. In the back of his mind, he knew that she was trying to get him to change his mind. 

She tried that before and it didn't last long, "Good morning, Petey." She greeted him. He didn't reply at all. The fact that he was giving her the cold shoulder irritated her so. The head of the unknown agency was supposed to arrive a week ago but for some reason got held up. She wasn't allowed to have any information on who this mysterious new mentor would be. It didn't matter, no one would be better than her Night Eye. 

God, she missed him. There was so much she wished she said and did before he died,  She never got to confess how much she looked up to him. All the unsaid words and undone deeds formed a brick in her heart. 

"Sasaki." She whispered. 

"Huh?" She heard a voice from behind her and she turned to see a frail blonde looking at her with concern. She looked a bit alarmed, he was a skeleton. "I'm sorry. I seem to have scared you."

"I-its okay. I was just wiping down the tables before the lunch break." She replied. 

"You're doing a great job. Nice and shiny." He smiled. "Toshi." He said, sticking out his hand and she stared at it for a moment before taking it. "Haru." She gave him a polite smile. She stared at him with her blue eyes. 

 he stood there awkwardly. "So, do you work here?" He asked. 

"I used to." She shrugged. "My boss thinks I'm a nuisance so he fired me."

"Then...why are you working?" He chuckled. 

"I am bored." She pushed the chairs back into place after wiping them down. She looked over at him, his hands inside his overly sized pant pockets. His hunched over form and sunken in cheek bones made him look like a weeping willow tree. There was something about him though, something that she couldn't put her finger on. A sense of familiarity hung in the air between them. 

"Have we met?" She asked, emitting a purple light from the tips of her hair. Toshi noticed and his eyes grew big, shaking his head. 

"I think I would remember someone like you." He spoke nervously. 

The violet light diminished and she tilted her head, "What do you mean?" she flashed her blue eyes at him on purpose. 

"Well." He stammered. "You have a unique look, I think I would remember someone who had white hair like you." He blurted out. "You just...uhh...look different."

Haru raised an eyebrow at the funny man, "Okay. I'm bored again. Have a nice day, Toshi."

She walked out without even bothering to hear Toshi's response. His mood though...Fright why would he be so scared. She shook her head of the thought of the weird encounter and returned to her room. She played on her phone well into the day and then night fell. If there was one thing she hated more than being bored, it was being sober. 

She huffed out a breath and left the building, wandering the streets for the nearest bar. she opened the doors to a pub and slammed open the door. The people inside looked at her like she was crazy, she only gave them a nod of her head before she sat down at the bar. 

"What will it be?" The bartender asked. 

"Vodka, why not?" She shrugged. 

"Straight, Miss?"


The man poured her a glass and handed it to her, it didn't take long for her to be seven glasses in by midnight. She slumped over the bar in a haze, everything around her echoed and shined. That spinning feeling returning to her again, it was weird but she liked it. 

"I'm sorry, Miss. I'm going to have to cut you off." The bartender told her. "Go home and get some rest." He said kindly.

"I have no home." She slapped some money on the table and stumbled her way out of the pub, once again to wander the streets. The alcohol wasn't at all muffling the memories that plagued her mind. Was this how it was going to feel for ever? was she always going to be a burden to everyone? Without her mentor, was she even worth it? Did she even matter? She had lost her job a couple of weeks ago, her home and her two best friends in the entire world. Haru was alone, she didn't want to be alone. 

She looked up at the towering buildings above her and she returned back to the agency, climbing to the roof. She practically burst through the door that led to the top of the building and headed to the ledge. She had no second thoughts...this was it! All of those years of trying to deny the past regrets she had to deal with every day. She hated herself for messing everything up, she hated that she always turnd to alcohol to escape the heavy weight upon her shoulders. S

She stepped onto the ledge and felt the wind caress her hair, She looked down through tears that fogged here eyesight. She was certain no one would come to get her. Everyone went home. She was alone...Alone... She shut her eyes, hoping that her body would make the decision for her. 

No one would miss her, she would be back with Sasaki, she wasn't even a good hero anyways. The world would be better off with out her...

"HARU!" The loud voice behind her made her gasp out of fright. She glanced over her shoulder to see that it was the skinny blonde guy...Toshi.

"Don't come any closer!" She threatened. 

"You shouldn't do this." He spoke gently, stepping closer despite her demands. 

"I shouldn't...but I want to." She panted in fright. "I just want it all to be over."

"What could possibly be so bad that you want to end it all?" He asked. 

"I have no job, I blew it with my boss, I just got evicted from my home and...My head..." She gripped her temples. Toshi's eyes filled with worried tears as he stepped closer and closer. 

"All of those things can be fixed, haru. It's not the end of the world."

"Its the end of mine!" She shouted, her voice echoing in her ears from the intoxication. "I lost everything, this was my home and now...I've lost that too." She cried. "I don't know who I am without this place." She gasped. 

"Please, come back down here. You can talk to me." He said. Haru's heart wrenched in her chest, what right did he have to take on the responsibility of saving her? All she wanted was the pain to end, everyday she woke up was a battle to live another day of disappointments. She was the disappointment...to everyone! Why not rid them of the disappointment?

"Talk to you?" She carefully turned around. "I don't even know you!" she sobbed. "Who are you to talk?"

"Please..." His eyes shined a grand blue and expressed a sadness that she didn't expect to see from someone she had just met. It was almost if...he felt like he was losing a part of himself. It was unsettling to see that from a complete stranger. 

"I have lost everything dear to me. My mentor, my best friend, my home and my job! I am just a burden to everyone, so let me just do them a favor and-" Her foot slipped and she felt herself fall through the open air. This was it...She was going to die tonight.

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