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Haru looked down at her knotted knuckles and smiled, Toshi looked at her curiously. 

"So, what else can your quirk do?" He asked. 

"Oh, and here I am assuming you already knew all about it." She giggled. "I'm kidding." She radiated a red light, "Red light heals...obviously. She turned the light orange and blushed. "...This one I have a love/hate relationship with."

"Oh?" He leaned against the table. "Why?" He asked. 

"Well...I don't like using it on people without their permission." Shr shrugged. "Its a mood booster."

"I see." He played it off. "How does that work?"

"I can alter a person's mood by casting the light upon them. It works better out there on missions to keep someone stable when they're panicking."

"What if I gave you permission?"

Haru's face turned red, what a loaded question. She didn't  know what to say to that, "Well, I would ask if you were sure, this is a powerful light."

"Surprise me." He shrugged. Haru's face turned a deeper red, she couldn't deny the fact that Toshi was a good looking man. It didn't hel that the good looking man asked her to use her light on him. 

"uhh...okay." she opened her hand and cast the orange light upon him and he smiled from ear to ear before he burst out laughing. Haru couldn't help but smile at the sound of his laughter, it fit him perfectly. Toshi held his stomach from laughing so hard and Haru turned off her light. Toshi sat there in a chuckling mess, calming himself from the little experience. "What mood was that? Can you guess?" She asked, resting her hand on her chin. 

"Happiness?" He asked. 

"No, that was Joy."

"I didn't know there was a difference."

"Joy lasts longer. Joy is more deep and spiritual than happiness."

"Really? Tell me more." He leaned in, listening to her voice. 

"You ever have the best day of your life and feel that warm feeling that starts in your gut and spreads through your whole self?" She asked. 

"Yeah." he said smiling, recalling the feeling. 

"That is joy. Happiness, though pleasing for a time doesn't last and it doesn't feel the same when you revisit it. Joy stays the same and lasts forever."

"That's beautiful, Haru."

"Thank you." She chuckled. 

Her light changed to yellow, concentrating on the salt shaker in front of her melting it into a puddle. Toshi acted surprised, he knew all of her powers and what they could do...he was surprised that she didn't recognize him though. She showed him the rest of her different hues of light, hesitating at the end. 

"Wow, so you have six quirks." 

"No. I mean, maybe? I've always considered it one instead of eight." Oops. She wasn't used to lying on the spot. Toshi leaned back in his chair and chuckled. "Are we being quirk shy? I only saw six."

Haru blushed, "Did I say eight? I meant-"



"You forgot purple. I saw you use it this morning when we first met."

"...Yeah...well...I can feel other's emotions  with that one."

"And you used it on me because?"

She had been caught, it was no question that Haru had problems with trusting people and most of the time she used it to read those who she first meets. It was a shortcut in order to figure out who she should be around. 

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