Hello Gorgeous.

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Haru woke up the next morning next to Toshi's side, both of them naked. She recalled the night before, blushing wildly. She looked over at Toshi's face, he looked so comfortable and peaceful when he slept. She couldn't help but touch his cheek, seeing the smile appearing on his face as he felt the familiar sensation of her addicting touch. "Good morning, Smiley."

Toshi slowly opened his eyes to see her bright face, "Hello gorgeous." He took her in his arms, making her squeak in surprise. "You're so warm." He stuck his face in her hair, breathing in her aroma. "And you smell like sugar cookies."

Haru laughed at how relaxed and free he was acting, he was so happy that he was wrapped up with the only girl he loved. It was such a surreal feeling for the both of them. It felt like a dream that neither of them wanted to wake up from. His skinny arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her flush against his. "Someone is still excited from last night." Haru teased. 

"Mmm..." He uttered, his voice muffled by her hair. "Last night was amazing." He blushed. 

Haru turned around to face him, his blue eyes bright and sweet, "God, you're cute in the morning." she told him. Toshi hid his face in his pillow, an attempt to keep his face from getting redder. "Nooo." He told her. 

"No?" She looked at his form a bit confused. "What do you mean no?"

"I'm not cute.." He said, muffled. 

"I think you are."

"Noo." He replied, defiantly. Haru shook her head and inserted her finger in the crook of his neck, getting his to squirm and giggle. "Cute." 

"Aha! Stop!" He pleaded. She prodded his ribs, "Cute!" She insisted. 

"H-Haru!" he tried sheilding himself. 

"You. Are. Cute!" She grabbed his hip bone which sent him into hysterics. "Okay, okay! Fine, I'm cute!" He laughed out. Her mission was complete and decided to let him breathe. 

"That wasn't nice..." He looked over at her, his hands to his chest. 

"Neither is you not believing you're good looking." she laid on her side, staring at him. "What are the plans for today?" She hesitated to ask the question since she didn't want to get out of bed at all. Toshi thought a moment, "You know, I don't think I have anything today. Do I have anything in my schedule?" He asked her. 

"I'll go check." She left the room to go get her Ipad. The bed seemed much colder with out her in it and it made Toshi feel a little lonely. Thankfully it was short lived when he heard her bare feet against the hard wood of the house. She jumped back into bed, landing on her stomach, her feet swinging around happily. 

Toshi just drank in the sight of the slight curves of her body as she fiddled with the device in her hand. "You only have one thing on here today." She told him. 

"What's that?" He asked. 

"A Doctor's appointment at three."

"Mmm...Its still early, Come here!" He grabbed her playfully, holding her against him once more. She kissed him passionately, his lips returning the same energy by licking her lips as they started making out. Her hands wandered his back and waist, his hands tangled in her hair as his eyes closed, absorbing the chills that glittered down his spine. "I love you." He spoke up after coming up for air. 

"I love you too." She raked her fingers through his hair. They stopped and relaxed with each other a moment before Toshi thought of something, "Haru."

"Hmm?" She looked at him. "What it it?"

"You could...make an appointment too." He told her. Haru rolled her eyes and shook her head, why did he have to bring that up? "Its only so that we know where the shivering is coming from."

"You know how I feel about Doctors." 

"I know but you have to see one at some time."

"I can't." 

"Why not?"

"I'm scared, okay." She confessed. "What if this shaking thing is actually something much worse?" She asked. 

"What if it isn't?" He asked back. "You'll never know unless you find out. My doctor is good at what he does, I know he will take you in after me." He could see her slightly shake. "I'll be with you the whole time too, Firefly."

"Okay." She nodded. Toshi wrapped his arms around her, the both of them falling asleep once more until noon. Haru went upstairs to dress for the day, she changed into a slouchy sweater and some white cargo pants with matching tennis shoes. She threw her hair up in her signiture high ponytail and headed back down to see Toshi sitting at the counter, waiting for her. 

"We match today...well, kind of." He shrugged, seeing that they both wore cargos today. "You looks adorable."

"As do you." She took his hand and they left the house, walking down the streets of Tokyo. 

"What do you think the shivering could be?" Toshi asked her, trying to figure out why she was so worried. Haru sighed and looked at the ground they were walking on before she answered. 

"I've looked into it before...The worse would be Sepsis or Diabetes."

"I'm sure its not as bad as those." He reassured her. 

"I hope so." She shuddered at the thought of being diagnosed with something so life threatening. When they arrived at the doctor's office, Toshi brought her inside his room to wait. She sat down in the chair next to him as they waited patiently for the doc to come in. 

"Hello, Toshinori." The Doctor came into the room, glancing at Haru. "Whose this."

"This is Haru, my girlfriend." He said proudly. She blushed, seeing the look on his face, he was so happy.

"It's nice to meet you, Haru." He shook her hand. 

"I was hoping you could squeeze her in as well, if it is no trouble." He asked the doctor.

"Of course. What seems to be the problem?"

"I have this problem...I...shiver sometimes out of the blue." She confessed. 

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