Cuddle Buddy for Life.

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Haru hugged her coffee cup close as her and All Might walked back home after getting their soothing drinks. The lovely orange sky from that morning decided to cry out a heavy rain and so they both resolved to go back home and spend the rest of the day there. 

"So much for a nice day out." She rose her voice over the rain. 

"We can still hang out at home, silly."

"Its just not what I had planned in my head, thats all."

"It will get better. We can still do what you want." He opened the door and they both rushed in, shivering from the cold. Haru rushed up her steps and hurried to change. She grabbed her red hoodie and a pair of saggy black sweats. She put on a pair of fluffy socks and tied her hair up in a messy bun. She came back to All Might's home below and saw something in the middle of the living room.

"You did not just make a blanket fort." She giggled.  "You Man Child."

"Come in its cozy." He popped his head out of the opening. It was a tent like structure held up by various things he found around his house. He even had the time to put up some old white christmas lights to make the mood light and comfy. "Come in, there's plenty of space." He poked his head back into the fort and she followed inside. It was sitting perfectly in front of the tv. Blankets and pillows were assembled in the right places upon the floor, All Might opened his blanket so she could get close and stay warm. She snuggled into the blankets, leaning into his strong frame. 

"I thought we could watch a movie." He said turning the tv on with his remote. "What do you want to watch?"

"You pick." She held his waist, watching him flip through the choices on Netflix. He only hoped she wouldn't feel the would be all over from there and she would hate him all over again. He finally picked one and they watched it, "I'm sorry if I'm too clingy." She said out of the blue.

All Might just looked down at her, hugging her shoulders, "I like your clingyness." He chuckled. "Don't worry about it, I know why you do this all of the time. Don't apologize."


"It hasn't bothered me then and it doesn't now." He took her hair from her face. "What made you ask?"

She shrugged, "Sometimes I feel like it's childish."

"Haru, your parents never gave you physical affection." He pet her head. "You don't need to feel childish. They starved you." He felt her arms squeeze his waist tighter and he winced from the pain. He didn't mind, she was comfortable and that's all that mattered. "I'm your cuddle buddy for life."

"Not for day you'll get married and I'll have to find a new one."

All Might erupted into loud laughter upon hearing her outrageous reply, "Who would marry an old fart like me?" 

"Don't say that." She sat up and met his stunning eyes. "You have plenty of women out there who want you, they don't care about your age."

"I'm sorry, Haru." He giggled. "They're all too obsessed. They don't want to date me, they want a lock of my hair so they can sleep with it at night." He watched her giggle at the description of his fans. "I would much rather be in a blanket fort, watching a movie with Haru Scarlett."

She beamed at his words, "Why?" She asked. "Tell me why?"

"What do you mean why?" 

"Why am I so special to you, All Might?" She asked. "I want to know."

He looked at her endearingly as she waited for his reply, "Do you remember when we met?" He asked. Haru thought a moment and nodded, "Yeah I do."

"You came into Sasaki's office, not expecting me to be there but you introduced yourself to me. You were so professional. You didn't fawn over me like rest of the staff did." He went on, seeing that she was listening intently. "You would come in with lunch for Night Eye and then out of the blue you would start buying me lunch. You'd pick up on my little habits and the things I needed for that day with out either one of us asking."

"That's my job."

"Haru, I've had assistants before. No one pays attention to the little details like you do." He stared at her. "There were days when you saw me with out a smile...I never let anyone see that. You would come in and start cracking jokes for me until my stomach was sore from laughter. Even Sasaki got annoyed with us because we were so silly with each other."

"I remember." She smiled at the fond memories playing in her head. 

"Haru, you're special to me because, you became the new reason I smile." He confessed. 

Her face fell from the answer, "What?" Her eyes filled with tears. 

"You're the reason why I laugh and put on a smile everyday."

"But...what about-?"

"Nana is the reason I started smiling. You're the reason why I keep smiling."

"Wait...even when-"

"Even when we weren't friends, Haru." He finished. Haru looked confused and touched at the same time. She didn't know what to say, she didn't expect such a thoughtful reply. She reached up and touched his face, his cheekbone still sharp even in his stronger form. Her thumb caressed his cheek, his eyes closing as he drank in the sensation. He stayed that way until he felt a light peck upon his cheek. He opened his eyes to see her tear streaked face, "You're that special to me too."

He smiled big, "That's why I would rather be here." His face got closer to hers, his breath feathering over her face, "Cuddling the shit out of you!" He grabbed her and held her tight, kissing her cheeks repeatedly until she dissolved into excited giggles. 

"Hahaha! All Might!" She squirmed in his arms until something fell over top of them, they both stopped to see that the fort had collapsed around them. "Nice going big guy." She giggled.

She felt his hand upon her face, she looked up to see that their faces were closer than ever. With every bit of bravery he had, he closed the gap between them.  

My hero Academia: Colorful.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang