There's Nothing I wouldn't Do.

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Toshi smiled at the bittersweet memory, She started loving him from a kiss on the pure. Toshi leaned in and kissed her forehead the same way he did so many years ago, making her smile as the feeling gave her happy chills down her spine. "I love you too, Haru." He rested his hin on the top of her head as she laid against his frail body. Haru just giggled happily in reply, rubbing his scar carefully and lovingly. She stopped when she noticed some thing out of the ordinary, "Toshi..." She sat up and inspected the scar closer. "What are these?"

Toshi shut his eyes tightly, wishing he would vanish. She had found his cuts. She traced her fingers over the three fresh ones that he had recently done. He felt a tear fall down onto his scar and he opened his eyes, "You hated yourself this much?" She asked. The look on her face was something he didn't want to ever see again. 

"I don't know what to say...there is no excuse." He started to beat himself up. 

"Then tell me why?" her eyes caught his. "I'm here to listen, Toshi. Take advantage of that, please." She cupped his face, wiping the tears that had fallen from his eyes away from his cheeks. "...I don't feel like the symbol of peace in this body..."

"Oh, Toshi."

"There are so many things I wish I did differently...maybe I wouldn't be so run down like I am." He clenched his fists, angry with himself. "I kept pushing myself to be the image that everyone needed and now look at me, literal pieces of me are missing, I...I can't get those back!" he exhaled anxiously. "You know how much I would love to feel the feeling of hunger again? the feeling of being full from a meal?" He shook his head ashamedly. "Sometimes I just binge in order to feel full but it never happens." 

Haru listened, not wanting to interrupt him. This was his time to let out all of what he needed to say, he had held it in for so long. "I wish I would've just had lung and stomach replacement surgery when I had the chance but they said the recovery process would be torturous...So I didn't go through with it, I'm an idiot."

Haru shook her head, tears welling in her blue orbs as he spoke. "I wish I wouldn't get so tired at the end of every day. I wish I could take a full fucking breath without coughing up blood! I'm so sorry, Haru. I never meant to hide any of this from you but I don't feel like a man anymore...I feel like a fragment of something that I once was that I still wish I could be."

Haru said nothing and placed a hand on his scar, radiating her res light, Toshi caught her hand, shaking his head, "Please don't."

"Let me, Toshi-"

"I can't let you do that. This is my probelm."

"Let me love you, Toshi. Let me try."

"It won't work." He replied. "I've been to healers before."

"I'm still going to try, Toshi." She told him sternly. "If you let me..." She looked down at the scars on his body. Toshi let go of her hand and nodded, he sat back and closed his eyes. Haru's hand glowed red. placing her hand on his scar. The feeling of her light was like the feeling of intense heat but it didn't burn. He breathed slowly, the heat was uncomfortable to him. The red light started to work it's magic as he tiny scars along his big one started to vanish. It felt as if he were being cut again but instead of pain, there was relief. It was painful but it was a good pain, the type of pain that started the healing process. He whimpered when all of them vanished and all that was left was the sunflower shaped scar on his torso. 

"That's enough, Haru." He told her. 

Haru furrowed her eyebrows, focused on the burden that he carried everyday. The red light covering him in a halo of red incandescence. He stared at her in shock, she wasn't about to... "Haru, stop." He warned. She shook her head, seeing the bottom of the scar near his him start to slowly close. Toshi arched his back, lurching in excrushiating pain and he took her wrists in his hands, "STOP!"

The red light vanished and she met his eyes, the focus and anger in them dissapated when she looked into his ocean blues. He looked angry, rightfully so. She knew she was in the wrong but she needed to know if she could do it...and she could! 

"I just needed to know-"

"Its not your job to do that!" He shouted, she flinched from the force of his voice, his hands not leaving her wrists. "You cannot rewind what has been done!"

"Look in the mirror, Toshi." she pulled her wrists away from his grip and stood up from the couch. 


"I said look at yourself!" She shouted back. "Look at whats been done." Her tone was something he had never heard before, authority. Despite his irritation with her, he marched to the bathroom to look at himself. The self inflicted scars were no more and the large monstrosity upon his torso...was still there but he noticed it stopped before his hip. He had lookedover the ugly thing a thousand times, knowing exactly where it began and ended. He traced the non existent area. 

"I'm not going to let you wallow in your hurt any longer, Toshi. I hope you understand that." She told him. "Next time, I'll ask. I'm sorry."

Toshi looked at her and sighed, opening his one arm to welcome her. She entered his embrace, looking at him in the mirror. "I'm sorry-"

"I crossed your boundaries. I should be sorry."

"I'm glad you did." He lifted her chin to lean down and give her a kiss. 

"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you-"

"I know." he kissed her again. This time deeper and slower, the feeling radiating down their spines. She kissed him back, wandering her hands up and down his back. He tangled his fingers in her alabaster locks, holding her close to his chest. Feverish kisses from his lips to his neck to his chest, all the way down to his scar sprinkled his body with pleasure. He pushed her up against the wall of the bathroom, kissing her with such force it made her whimper with heartfelt joy. 

"I love you with everything in me, Haru." He whispered in her ear, his thumb on her lips, tracing them teasingly. Haru placed her hands on his hips, pushing them against hers, "Then, show me." She teased back. 

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