Three Musketeers.

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Haru sighed angrily and sat back down. All Might mocked her noise and chuckled, "What does that noise mean? You always have your little noises."

"What?" She snarled. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Jeez! I was just being silly, you know like how we used to be? Usually when you sigh like that, you're pissed."

"Ugh." It irritated her that he knew her inside and out like a book he had already read from cover to cover. She couldn't hide anything from him anymore. Her purple light illuminated her hair, he was feeling Ornery today...just her luck.

"Stop using your quirk in the workplace." He scolded. 

"No." She retorted. "I have to be one step ahead of you. Ornery ass."

All Might laughed heartily at her remark, it took her a while every day to get along with him, she was still trying to make it okay by not knowing why he left her and Night Eye. She tried trusting him that he wasn't ready to tell her yet. Problem was, he still was closed off in a way, he could talk all day long and she still wouldn't learn anything new about him. She hated that. 

"Haru." He spoke up. "Do you need another suit?" He asked. 

Haru's face blushed red in shame, "I am afraid if I send this back to Dave, he will come to Toyko himself to scold me."

"Nah, he knows that all suits go through wear and tear." He told her. "Let me send it to him, and if you have any new designs I'll make sure he gets it."

"Okay. Its just been so long since I contacted him. I thought he would be insulted if I called him up since we haven't been friends for so long."

"He's probably insulted that you didn't call." He chuckled. 

"Dave is your friend. If he is okay with making me a new suit, then so am I."

"Okay, I'll give him a call." He winked. "Don't worry."

Haru smiled at him gratefully, probably the most real reaction she had towards him since she moved in with him. "Yes, there's a real smile!" He sat back in his chair triumphantly. 

She rolled her eyes and stood up, "I'm going to check on your suit. I'll see you in a minute."

"Okay, by the time you get back we'll have to leave for that interview."

"Okay." She left the building to do her duties as his assistant and ran a little late, she decided to just meet him at the recording studio, shooting him a quick text as she hurriedly walked to her next destination. She opened the doors to the studio and locked eyes with the hero, "You're late." He told her. 

"Yeah, I know. The tailor had to make a few adjustments before you get there, he will be done by the time we arrive."

"Good, thank you." He nodded.

Present Mic came into the room and noticed Haru, "OH MY GOD, IT REALLY IS YOU!" He shouted seeing her face. "How are you doing?" He embraced her happily. 

"I'm great. How are you, bro?"

"Amazing!" He laughed. "It has been too long, Haru."

"I know. I promise I won't disappear again this time."

"I'll hold you to that." He playfully pointed to her. 

All Might smiled seeing the reunion, when Haru decided to become a hero he took her out to get familiar with the people who he worked with everyday. He introduced her to everyone and she was enthralled. Mic and Haru hit it off since they had the same personalities, they were both goofy and loud. "Well, lets get this interview started." Mic stopped before sitting down in his chair, "Would you like to join us, Haru?"he asked. 

"uh...I wouldn't-" She shook her head.

"That would be good publicity for you, actually. If the listeners start hearing that you're doing better you just might redeem your fan base." All Might agreed. 

"I've never been on the radio before...I don't know what to do."

"Its easy, I'll ask the questions and you simply answer." Mic reassured her. 

The three of them sat down at the table and Mic flipped a few switches before he went on air, "Hello, hello, HELLO! Welcome back to 11.11 FM." He announced. "I am here with someone whose voice you might be excited to hear."

"I am here!" All Might shouted into his mic. Haru giggled and looked at the two men. Mic glanced over at her, "And we have All Might's lovely assistant Light Show with us as well!"

"Hello, 11.11 FM." She spoke softly into the mic. 

"I am so excited to see you here, Light Show. It is an honor, really." Mic replied. 

"oh, thanks for that." She chuckled. "I feel so welcomed here." She blushed bashfully.

"As you should." Mic chuckled. "So, is there anything you want to say to the listeners out there?" He asked. Haru looked at All Might and then took in a breath, "I'm sorry." 

Both Mic and All Might looked at each other but let her continue to speak, "I haven't been the best hero to you all, I haven't been the best example of what a hero is. I wont sit here and make any excuse...I guess I just forgot that I am human and even heroes need help sometimes."

"Wow, those are some humble words." Mic smiled at her proudly. "Can you tell us how you are doing with recovery?" He asked. Haru nodded. 

"I am doing much better, I have a new job which I am in love with and also have a mentor that is teaching me alot."

"Who is your mentor?" Mic asked. 

"Well, he's sitting right next to me." She chuckled.

"That's right the big guy himself is your mentor. Any reason why you chose him?"

"He actually chose me." Haru looked at All Might and smiled. "We go way back."

"We used to be very close back when I started as a hero." All Might interjected. 

"So, tell me Haru. You used to work at Night Eye's former agency, right?" He asked. 

"Yeah, Sasaki, All Might and I were the three musketeers. We were inseparable."

"Aww! how cute!" He replied. "So you have some good memories with them both. Are you attending the twentieth anniversary?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

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