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The class looked at him eagerly and All Might smiled at their big eyes, "Dodgeball, quirk style."

"Yes!" A few of the students cried out. 

"I will put you into two teams and the last team standing will win, I will pick the teams." All Might announced. "Team leader for the first group will be Iida."

The dark blue haired boy stood in front next to AllMight and the rest of the students called up joined him. "Tsu, Toru, Tokoyami, Todoroki, Momo, Mezo, Ojiro, Ayoma, and Kaminari." The team members took their places with Iida and the rest of the students stood there before All Might announced the team member for the second team, "Bakugo will be team leader for team two. Uraraka, Kirishima, Sero, Jiro, Midorya, Ashido, Sato, Mineta and Koda." Their sensei smiled and looked at the team he assembled. "Also, Light Show here is up for grabs." 

Both teams grew rowdy with excitement and wanted her on the team, "We will flip a coin for her, okay. Team leaders, approach." He took out a coin, Iida chose heads and All Might flipped it making Haru the new member of Bakugo's team.

"Okay, you know the rules. Take your places on opposite sides of the field."

Haru joined the others in her team and they stood together, "Okay, here's the deal." Bakugo started. "Stay out of my way, I'll do this myself."

"Uh-" Haru held up a finger and Bakugo whipped round and glared back at her. "That isn't very leader like." She told him. 

"Like I care, the rest of you are losers. Stay out of my way or I'll-" Haru had encased him in a silent bubble with her blue light, making him even more upset, pounding on the fortress angrily. "You're not the only one who can be a smartass. I'm on your team now, and as a team member I have the right to tell you that you are unfit for leadership." her bubble vanished and Bakugo looked up at the tall woman, "Now, will you cooperate with your team or do I need to put you in time out again?" She reprimanded. 

"Shut up." He growled. "Five in the back, five in front, tallest in the front with me and the rest of you just don't do anything stupid."

Haru shrugged and chuckled, "Better than nothing."

All Might covered his mouth with his fist to keep from laughing at their interaction. All Might gave the signal and the game was on. Haru and the rest of the team ran to grab their dodgeballs, Iida's team already took out two team members from her group while they were getting them. Koda and Mineta sat down on the sidelines. 

"DIIIIE!" Bakugo hurdled a ball towards the team, his hand sparking from propelling it forwards. It hit Tsu in the shoulder and she had to sit. Shoto slid on his ice trail, hitting Bakugo in the face, making the team leader pissed and refused to get off the feild before he could get him back. "Dammit! Light Show, Kick his ass!" He told her before he left to sit at the bench. 

Uraraka had an idea, touching every ball they had and levitating them before she forced them towards the other team, hitting Kaminari, Momo and Toru.

"Yes! Good job...What's your name?" Haru asked. 

"Ochako." She smiled sweetly. A ball hit her in the head and she walked off rubbing her temple. 

"Ah, shit." She looked over at Izuku who was dodging the projectiles as they came. She was distracted by Kirishima hurling a ball at Shoto, finally getting him out of the game.

Jiro threw a ball and hit Iida, both leaders were benched now and four remained on the opposing team. and seven on hers. Ashido, Haru, Kirishima, Izuku, and Jiro were left with her. Tokoyami, Ojiro, Ayoma and Sero remained on the other. 

Tokoyami used his Dark Shadow to throw another ball, hitting Jiro, leaving the team five to four. Izuku glanced at Haru, "Your Indigo light makes you fly right?" He asked her. 

"Yeah, why?"

"We need a distraction." He handed her the ball he had in his hands and she didn't waste any time launching herself into the air and hitting Tokoyami. While the other team members watched, Sato hurled a ball at Ayoma. Now it was two to five, the other team getting angry and antsy as both teams held off throwing anything. Both teams watched each other, which one would make the next move? 

Haru took a chance and threw a ball at one of them, missing for the first time in the game. Ojiro picked up the ball with his tail, spinning and launching the ball at Haru but someone jumped in her way. The ball hit Deku's chest with a smack and he fell to the floor with a lous plop. Haru looked down at her teammate and All Might's savior gratefully. He would become an amazing hero. She helped him up quickly, "Thanks."

"You're welcome." He dashed to the sidelines. Haru was left with Ashido, Sato and Kirishima. Sato out of the blue was hit and he had to leave. That left only three against the two other opponents on the other side. 

Ashido slid on her acid striking Ojiro in the arm while Sero struck Kirishima in the face. 

"OW! That's not very manly!" 

Both opponents left and it was only Mina and Haru against one lonely Sero. 

"TIME OUT!" All Might called out. "Sero, to keep the game fair, pick anyone on the bench to come back to play with you."

"Really?" He thought about it and the boy raised an eyebrow. "I want Bakugo."

"Ah shit." Haru spoke under her breath. The game started again with the team even now, It wasn't long until Bakugo hit Haru and she had to leave her pink teammate behind. Mina didn't go down with out a fight, taking Sero out before Bakugo hit her in the shoulder. 

Bakugo had won the game and class was over. All Might came up to Haru who was wet with sweat after the game, "You did a pretty good job." He winked. 

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