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All Might held her close as they danced, staying in one spot on the dance floor. After so many men dancing with her like some sort of wind up doll, this pace was perfect. A few of the other heroes looked back at them both fondly as they finished their dance and headed to the terrace to talk alone, "All Might...I'm sorry-"

"No, I'm sorry." He sighed. "I was selfish when I kissed you. I didn't-"

"Don't be sorry, All Might. I didn't hate it." She replied. 

"Your reaction would suggest otherwise." he crossed his arms. 

"Can I explain?" She asked. He nodded and let her speak, doing his best to listen to her. "I'm sorry if I got psyched out that the symbol of peace kissed me last night." She shook her head in awe. All Might didn't say anything and just let her continue. "I know we have known each other for years and I should be used to being around you..." She tried to make out the words in her confused mind. "And I am when I really need it, but...I can't get it out of my head that All Might, the most loved hero has feelings for me." She sighed, still amazed at the very fact. 

"I didn't know that you looked at me like everyone else I know." He looked at her a little disappointed. Haru shook her head and came up to him, "I do and I don't...Oh my God, how do I say this..." She concentrated. "You are like this untouchable force to people, the embodiment of peace and justice. You do great things every single day, big or small. You have a purpose for everything you do and its amazing to see you work as a hero. Even when we are together alone, I feel deep down you should be somewhere else other than with me. I'm no one special compared to you...and that is terrifying."

"Haru, I told you last night how special you are to me. Do you not believe it?"

"I do. For some reason...I don't feel worthy of your...feelings." She lowered her head.

"You are, Haru." He lifted her chin, brushing a piece of hair from her face. "Sometimes, I don't feel worthy of you."

"What?" She chuckled. "That's insane."

"Its true. Think about it, out of all the people who practically worship me its you that see me as me. You see my human self and you love that side of me shamelessly. Out of all of those out there that claim to know me, you actually do and you don't think that's intimidating?" He asked. She giggled from his description of her. "So, there's only one question left to ask. Do you feel the same way as I do?" 

Haru said nothing and kissed him upon his lips, both of them felt like they could take flight from the intense feeling it gave them. He placed a hand on the small of her back, holding her in place so the addicting kiss could last longer. Haru's silly giggling broke the kiss and he looked down to see her trying to hold in her laughter, "What?"

"Nothing..." She laughed out. "I just thought of something."

"Oh, no. What is it?" He shook his head, even in a romantic moment, she still had her silly thoughts. "Do I want to know?"

"I was just thinking...'If only Sasaki could see us now'"

"PFFT!" he burst out laughing. "Only you would think of something like that."

They shared a laugh for a moment and then he brought her close again, "Let's go, huh?"

"Yes, please. These shoes are killing me." She took his hand and they made for the exit. The limo was brought to the front and they hopped into the back and the car sped away. She laid her head upon his shoulder and he pulled her onto his lap. She cupped his face, kissing him once again and they ended up making out in the back like a couple of teenagers. Their buried feelings for each other finally surfaced and they both felt free to express their passion for one another. 

All Might had faced rejection, fake relationships and much more in his life. He never thought he would be here with Haru Scarlett in the back of a limo. It felt so unreal to have her in his arms finally. Haru never really had anyone except Sasaki and All Might, she was invested in her work to even think about relationships...But All Might, he had a hidden space in her heart that would never go away. Even when she hated him that hidden place, though hurt, still was there. 

Neither of them knew if what they were feeling was love, they just knew that they couldn't get enough of one another. They felt alive for the first time, as if they had been jolted awake by a bolt of lightning. Every touch was electric and illuminating, every breath felt brand new and fresh. The limo came to a stop and they looked at each other, "Let's go home."

"Okay." She smiled at him. The two of them stepped out of the car and All Might excitedly fumbled with his keys before opening the door. "I am so happy we are back home." She sat down on the couch and reached to get the pins from the back of her hair, undiong her gorgeous hairdo. All Might came up to her and helped her, seeing her ivory culrs fall to her shoulders. "Thank you." She smiled back at him. 

"Anytime, beautiful." He looked down at her feet, her painful shoes still upon them. He reached down and placed them on his lap. Haru looked at him a little alarmed. 

"What are you doing?"

"you said that your feet hurt. I'm taking off the evil things." He said, pulling both of them off. She leaned back on the couch and sighed. "Thank you."

She was pleasantly surprised when she felt his hands massage her soles, "That's it I'm keeping you." She giggled. 

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