Get Your Hands off of Her.

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After their soak in the pools of the spa, they robed themselves and sat out on the deck to watch the flashing lights of tokyo, drinks in hand. Both of them leaned onto the railing, looking out at the beautiful sight. "I feel so relaxed after all that." She rested her chin on her hand a soft smile on her face. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He kissed her temple. "I like seeing you at peace."

She looked over at him with flirty eyes and took his hand, "Therapy was intense."

"You don't have to-"

"I want to, Toshi. There's things about me that you may have forgotten."

"Like what?"

"Like the reason why I won't use my white light, do you remember what I told you?"

"Yes, I do. It wasn't your fauly, Haru."

"I made my parent's disappear, Toshi." She shook her head looking down from the deck. "I'm terrifyed to use it because I don't want any more of my loved ones to vanish."

"You were a little girl, Haru. You had no control of your quirk and didn't know fully of what it could do."

"I know...I still feel guilty." Her hand shook a little and he squeezed it firmly in his. "I still feel how cold it was in my room the day they disappeared. That's why I shiver so much."

It all connected now, the whole reason why she was because she would always be reverted back to the day she lost them. The day that he left Sasaki and Haru it got worse, when Sasaki died, she tried to numb the symptom with alcohol. Every instance of her shaking after that he realized that she had the fear of him leaving again. "Oh, Haru." He couldn't help himself, he kissed her passionately, his arms around her protectively. "I will never leave you again, do you understand?"

"I know you won't." She nuzzled her face into his neck, wanting to hide. "I just want to get past all of this. To stop shaking, to control my white light, to become a hero again."

"You are already on the right track to achieving all of that." He played with her hair. "We just have to start working harder."

"Yeah." She let go of him to meet his stunning eyes. "I just hope Shota and the other heroes don't think ill of me when they find out about-"

"They love you to death, Haru. It would take much more than something like that to make them dislike you." He held her chin tenderly. "Thank you for trusting me with all of that."

"No more secrets." She shook her head. 

"No more secrets." He kissed her again. 

They left the spa and headed home when the taxi was stopped abruptly, as if had crashed into something. "What happened?" She asked, looking out her window to see a tall villain, moving like smoke with giant yellow eyes. Her eyes widened, "Toshi?" She looked back at her boyfriend and he had already changed into his hero form. "Stay in the car Haru."

The order almost irritated her and she climbed out of the car anyways, "What the hell is going on?" She asked, seeing All Might already fighting with the villain shouded in black fog.

"I though I told you to-" All Might was silenced by a hit from Kurogiri which sent him flying across the street. She rushed towards him, helping him up, "You never listen." He shook his head. Haru fumed and shined her yellow light upon the villain, burning away his back mass.

"Haru!" All Might scolded. She tilted her head seeing the person hidden in the smoke and stopped using her quirk. "What te fuck?! Why is-"

"Long story and we have no time, okay?" All Might flew off and continued to fight Kurogiri. "What are you here for? what do you want?" He demanded to know, grabbing a hold of his metal neck piece. 

The smokey villain glared at him with his glowing eyes, "The master would like to meet your beloved lady." The words coming out of his mouth triggered All Might's rage and he started beating Kurogiri's head into the pavement, not even thinking about who was really under the shroud. Haru came running to him and grabbed a hold of All Might, even though she was small compared to his hero form. He stopped and looked back at her, his eyes contained a force  she had never seen before. 

"Can you let go of our comrade." a pair of patchwork hands suddenly grabbed Haru and pulled her back from All Might. "Or your little girlfriend gets it." The man held a knife to her throat. All Might swiftly turned to the man to see that it was Dabi. The look on All Might's face was priceless to him, he looked so helpless now, as if his whole world was crumbling before him. 

"All For One heard about your cute little relationship and got a bit jealous. He wants to meet her in person." He hissed. "Nice choice, All Might. Damn she looks like a little piece of cake. I bet she tastes like pure sugar." He taunted, Haru tried to get away but the more she moved the harder the knife was pressed up against her. 

"Don't you touch her!" All Might advanced at Dabi but he made a small slit upon her throat just enough to make it bleed a little. The hero stopped in his tracks, his eyes full of worry of what to do. He didn't think that all of this would happen, he was so focused on her. 

"I thought heroes as famous as you had to vow not to be involved with any romantic relationships, lest they be in danger of getting killed." Dabi sniffed her hair and was pleasantly surprised. "She smells like vanilla ice cream."

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!" He shouted, almost making Dabi jump from the surprise. 

"What the hell will you do, All Might?" He replied. "She means nothing to me and I will kill her if you come closer, I don't care."

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