Much More Than This.

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She looked at him and she beamed, "Of course its okay, you just took me by surprise."

Toshi chuckled and looped her arm with his, "I thought you deserved it after your therapy session with Shota."

"You know, you never asked me about what we talked about in therapy."

"Its none of my business. I know you'll tell me when you're ready." He kissed her temple giving her chills. They walked in and they were directed to an elevator, "I've never been here before, do I need a suit?" She asked. 

"No." He smirked seeing her face. "Its a spa."

She blushed deep red, forcing asmile down with it. They put on their robes and headed out, seeing the hot bath before them, "Wow. This looks so nice."

Toshi took her hand and they stopped at the edge of the pool, taking off his robe to reveal his whole bare body. She couldn't take her eyes off of him, he was such a ethereal creature. Her heart skipped when his illuminated blue eyes looked over at her, "Come." He held out his hand. 

"But..." She held her robe closer to herself. "What if someone sees-"

"Firefly..." He smiled. "You didn't think I would let anyone else feast their eyes on you, did you?"

She unwrapped herself hesitantly, dropping the robe at the edge of the pool. She stepped in and Toshi's eyes searched every curve and dip of her magnificent body. He opened his arms to her and she entered them as they both sank into the hot spring water. "You rented this place out for me?" She asked. 

"I made a private appointment. We have an hour here, let's not waste it, huh?" He kissed her cheek. His hands wandered her body, up and down her sides, the dip of her lower back and the curve of her butt. "You are mine to look at, no one else's." He whispered into her ear. Haru buried her face in the crook of his neck as his hand explored her. She eventually started doing the same, her hands playing with his hair, cupping his face and her nails grazing his back. He hummed with satisfaction and started kissing her neck, backing her up against the edge of the warm pool. 

"You really know how to get me flustered don't you?" He said hungrily. 

"What's the matter, Toshi? Can't take it?" She smirked. 

He made a deep throated noise, like a growl and picked her up so she could straddle his hips, "You are lucky that what I want to do to you is against Spa rules." His low brassy voice tickled her ear and she shivered with excitement. She simply kissed him, making him sink back into the water again. Her touch was so intoxicating, he felt like a brand new man each time she kissed, touched or embraced him. He didn't want that feeling to go away, her touch was healing. 

"Thank you for taking me out, Toshi." 

"Of course." He beamed up at her. "I love you." He watched as her face transformed into a joyful smile upon hearing his words. She inhaled a sweet breath and looked down at him again, "Say it one more time."

"I love you."

"God, that's amazing." She giggled. Toshi laughed at her reaction and watched her. "Its amazing how the most longed for emotion can be expressed by only three words and it never gets old."

Toshi couldn't help but chuckle at her amazement, "I love you."

"I love you too." She laid her head upon his chest, letting the warm water peacefully blanket them. His fingers trailed up and down her spine, the silence overtaking them now. 

Their hour was up and they ventured into another pool to cool off, "My skin feels so clean after tha soak." She said, slowly sitting down in the pool, letting the coolness of the water tocuh her skin. Toshi had the hardest time getting in and she pulled him into the cool water. "Ah! Ohh! Cold!" He shivered. 

"Hey you look like me." She joked. 

Toshi looked around before he kicked some cold water her way making her squeal in surprise. "Hahaha!" He laughed out. "That's what you get."

She stuck her tongue out at him and she sat down in the cold water, "You ornery ass."

"Right back at you." He sat down next to her and leaned his head back. "How are you feeling now?" He asked. 

"Very good." She smiled. "I feel like cuddling with you when we get home."

"We're not going home just yet." He spoke up. "You thought this was it?" He asked. 

"There's more?"

"Of course there is." He kissed the top of her head. "Much more than this."

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